Chapter 10

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Liam's POV 

"Niall? You got the newspaper?" Niall appeared from the livingroom and sat it down infront of me. There it is...Front page. What a suprise... "You read it aloud." 

"Why Li?" I sighed and pushed the newspaper towards Niall. 

"Just do it." Niall nodded. 

"Trouble in Paradise?

Liam Payne, 1 member of boyband One Direction and Danielle Payne, backing dancer were reported last night by neighbors living close by to be having some sort of shouting match at about 10pm. The neighbors also reported to have hear a smash of some sort. 

After the couple had finished there arguement Liam was picture (above) leaving the family home and climbing into his car with red, puffy eyes and tears rolling down his cheeks. While Danielle stood on the drive shouting and begging for him not to go. 

Liam apparently went to bandmate Niall Horan's for the night but no one really knows where he is. Is this the break in their marriage that is going to tear them apart or is it just a little spat?" Never a dull moment in the eyes of Liam Payne. Paps never leave me alone. I lowered my head into my hands and sighed. Why can they not just leave me alone? My marriage has fuck all to do with them. 

"Li? When are you going back home?" I lifted my head up and shrugged. 

"I haven't got a clue Nialler, if I go home it will just remind me of how I'm apparently only in the marriage because of the kids. It hurts Niall." Niall sat down on the chiar opposite to me. 

"I get that Li but you need to go home. You're not going to be the only one suffering, Arron, Cait, Connor and Abby will suffer and you'll just wear yourself out not being with them, trust me. I've seen you when were touring, how much do you miss them all? Including Danielle?" I nodded. I did...I missed them all so much when I'm on tour. Yeah, you have your bestmates with you but nothing is ever the same without your family. 

"Look Liam, I don't have the slightest clue what is going on between you and Dani but it needs sorting and you need a day out with the lads..." 

"But Haz is in Cheshire?" 

"So? Me, Zayn and Louis aren't good enough fine..." Niall walked out of the dinning room and into the games room. 

"Niall? Niall?" I stood up and went after Niall. "I never meant that. You just can have a lads day without Harry, it wont be the same. You know that..." Niall nodded and clapped me on the shoulder. 

"Go home Liam, go sort things with Dan. Bring the kids here and take her out somewhere if needs be. Just do's not healthy for any of us. You both need to be as strong as you can, if not for yourselves, the kids, us but for Em. Liam christ sake your becoming a Granddad...Please?" 

Harry's POV 

"Mum this is delicious..." I shoveled another fork full of mums curry into my mouth. Mum hit me on the back of the head and laughed. 

"Manners Harry, we have a guest." I looked over to Emma. She's hardly touched her food. Oh god. Not this again. 

"Oh, don't mind me. It's fine. I've seen it many times before." Emma smiled before excusing herself from the table. I feel so sorry for Emma, she's pregnant, Liam and Danielle are arguing. I dunno, alot of stress is on her shoulders, she starts rehearsing for her tour soon and whatever else she has too do...I have no idea what so ever but it's not good or healthy. I lent back on my chair so I could see Em, she's now asleep on the sofa. 

"Josh? What's up with Em?" 

"I have seriously no idea Harry." 

"Maybe she's having a bad day. She normally sleeps doesn't she?" Josh shook his head and sighed. 

"She got out the routine of sleeping on bad days and she didn't wake up crying this morning either so she isn't having a bad day at all." I shrugged my shoulder and sighed. What if something is wrong and she wont tell us. Fuck sake. 

"Please can I be excused?" I looked at mum and Robin who nodded their heads. I left the table and walked into the livingroom to see Emma was now gone. I heard a sudden shreek come from upstairs. Emma. 

"JOSH! HARRY? ANNE?" Without thinking twice to ran straight upstairs closely followed by Josh and mum. I opened the bathroom door to see Emma sat on the side of the bath with towels laided out on the floor. Tears streaming from her eyes. Her underwear on the floor with blood all over them. Fucking shit. 

"I-I'm bleeding..."

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