Chapter 13

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Emma's POV 

"What do you mean I can't go and see him? Simon. My husbands in hospital. I don't do an actual concert until tomorrow." I screamed down the phone. 

"I'm sorry Emma. You can't go see him." I couldn't actually believe Simon right now. 

"Why not? Give me a reasonable reason as to WHY I CAN NOT GO AND SEE MY HUSBAND..." The anger that was building up inside of me was stupid. 

"Maybe ring your father?" I put down the phone on Simon and rung my Dad. What could be so bad that I can't go and see Josh? After the 7th ring Dad finally decided to pick up. 

"Emma? What's a matter?" 

"Tell me the honest truth in WHY I CANT come and see Josh." I heard Dad take a shakey breath and then sigh. 

"Em, it's not safe..." 

"How is it not safe? It's a hospital..." 

"Maybe so but Josh is in the hospital because of someone and they are waiting for you. It's not safe Em. Just go to rehearsal please?" 

"Who is waiting for me?" There was a long pause of silence. I heard shuffling on the other end of the line. "Dad?" 

"Hello Emma." Dad was no longer on the phone. Their voice had a higher pitch, I heard a low laugh coming from the distance. The person on the phone was deffinately a woman. I never reply to whoever it was I just sat an listened. "Right, listen to me Emma. I'm not going to tell you who I am okay? But me and you are going to play a little game. You want to see Josh again? You want your children to have a father? Yes?" 

"Y-yes?" I mummbled. 

"Then you will play my games? I want you to leave the hotel. Alone and read the note out on the lamppost just outside. Can you do that?" 

"Y-yes, I-i think so..." I stuttered, breathing deeply. 

"Good. Just follow the instructions on each note and we won't have to speak on the phone again. I suppose I'll see you in about 3 hours Emma." The line went dead on me. If I was to say I wasn't scared I'd be lying because I'm scared shitless but never the less I need to keep Josh alive. I walked out of my hotel room and down to the lobby. Robbie was stood by the door. This is going to prove more difficult than it seemed. 

"Erm, Mrs. Payne-Smith. I'm under strict instructions not to let you go anywhere." I shot Robbie a sturn look.

"Well, I guess if you want these twins to have no father or me to have no husband then I think you should let me go." Robbie nodded. Clearly understanding I had to do this. "Thankyou" I walked out into the cold winter winds of London. I don't know why it's's july. I spotted a piece of white paper stuck to the lamppost. I ripped it off and read it. 

Emma. You've found the first clue. You best hurry though...Find all the clues and me within the next 2 hours I promise to keep Josh and everyone alive... You're next clue will be taped to the front door of your fathers house.

See you soon...

I folded the piece of paper up and pushed it into my pocket. I started the treck to Dad's. Luckily it's only minuets away. So much for taking it steady Emma. 

Liam's POV 

I don't believe this. We've been kidnapped everyone except Josh. He's still in the hospital. All down to this syco woman that wears a mask to keep herself hidden and apperntly she's playing some mindfuck game with Emma. I swear down if anything happens to the twin or her I will go mental. 

"Why are you keeping us hostage? Who the fuck are you?" The woman came over to me and bent down to my level. 

"Awh, wouldn't you like to know Liam. Shame. I would have thought you'd have guessed it. A clever boy like you." I tried to wiggle my way out of the grasp the ropes tied around my wrists had me in. 

"You can't do this. We all have girlfriends/wives and children. Please let us go..." The woman stroked my hair out of my face. 

"Oh I will as soon as Emma gets here." 

"I swear down if you do anything to Emma or them babies..." I tried to blink back the tears that were threatening to fall. I had been the only brave enough to speak to this syco. 

"I'd never do anything to hurt your daughter or grandchildren Liam. I'm not that kind of woman." The woman stood up and chuckled to herself. I really don't like what she is doing. Harry is crying his eyes out.

"Harry. Shush it's fine." Louis tried to console Harry but it just makes things worse. 

"That's what you think Louis..." I managed just to slip my hands out of the ropes. I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed heavily. It's not like Emma doesn't have enough shit going on in her life. She doesn't need this as well. Emma's due to have the twins in 2 months and she's meant to be touring right now. Instead she's playing a game made by this idiotic woman. I need to keep this woman away from Emma, I don't want Emma getting hurt...however. I have my fair suppisions of who this woman is...

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