Chapter 22

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Emma's POV 

-5 years later-

"Jenna, Isobel. Get up please. You have to go to school." Isobel got herself up and out of bed where as Jenna just remained laid there. 

"Jenna, I don't have time for messing this morning. Get up." Jenna had turned into the lazy and 'I'm not doing anything you say' twin taking after me where Isobel is the good and kind twin taking after Josh. I pulled the covers off Jenna and jabbed her in the side. She instantly shot up and out of bed. Wooop. 

Mother 1,

Jenna 0. 

Isobel was dressed and ready downstairs eating her breakfast Josh had made. Jenna came downstairs wearing her uniform and her hair pulled into a ponytail. She sat at the table and ate her breakfast. 

"Mummy? What did you jab me for and not Isobel?" I tunred around to face Jenna. 

"Because you wouldn't get out of bed. She did. Now hurry up and eat. Daddy's taking you this morning." Jenna threw her heands in the air and slammed them on the table. 

"Why?" I fixed Isobel's hair before helping her get her shoes on. 

"I have to go to work. Daddy doesn't. He's taking you." Jenna sighed and climbed of the chair. She walked over to me and pulled on her shoes. I gave kisses to the twins and Josh before leaving. I climbed into my car and drove off to the studio. I turned up the radio to one of One Direction's songs. I started humming along to it. 3 years ago, Dad and Uncles decided to give it in. Their work rate had lowered but they haven't changed. They haven't parted ways and are still very close friend and brothers. I think the fact of having too many memories kept them together. However I'm still going strong and still have the best fans ever. In fact, I've decided that I am only doing one more tour and album before I give it up myself. I have the twins to think about and Josh. Everything has calmed down quite alot. Not many things are coming in the way of any of us. 

I pulled up into the car park and stepped out the car. I walked into the building and upto floor 2. I entered the studio to find everyone already there. 

"Em, you're finally here. We're going through solo's first then we will sort backings out. Like we've always done it!" I nodded my head and walked into the booth, pulled the headphones over my head and nodded to John. Josh played the backing track through the booth and I began to sing. I was in my bubble. My singing bubble. It feels good singing and I'm going to miss it alot. The song finally came an end and I pulled the headphones off my head. John came into the booth and handed me my phone. I had a missed call from Josh. I immidatly called him back...

Ring 1.

Ring 2.

Ring 3.

Ring fo-"Josh, what's up?" 

"Em I need you to come to the hospital?" I let out a shakey breath. 

"W-why?" I grabbed my bag and looked towards John, him clearly understanding I needed to leave. 

"It's Jenna." 

"Josh, stop panicing. I'm on my way okay?" 

"Okay, I love you!" 

"Love you too!" I hung up and ran to my carm climbing in and speeding down to the hospital. Once I got there and parked up I bombed it into the emergancy room to see Josh curled up in a ball on one of the chairs with Isobel beside him. I walked over to him and nudged him slightly, causing him to stir. 

"Em..." I sat down beside Josh and kissed his cheek. 

"What's going on?" Josh sighed. I took his hand into mine and stroked my thumb back and forth. 

"She apparently had a astma attack but the doctors think it's more..." I nodded and sat back in the chair. If anything happened to my baby girl I don't think I'd ever forgive myself for it. I was only hoping for the best but I know it's going to be something bad. I'd never had anything wrong with my health and neither did Josh as far as I knew. There was a small brunette woman heading towards me and Josh. 

"Mr and Mrs Smith?" I nodded my head and sighed. "Well, we've manage to find what the cause of Jenna's attack was. She did have a slight astma attack but there is something worse and just to let you know she is stable for now." I nodded and looked at Josh with pleading eyes. 

"I'm sorry but your daughter has a brain tumour and we don't think it's treatable." Tears began falling from mine and Josh's eyes. 

"How long?" 

"We are giving Jenna another year to live but I promise you we will try our best to see if it's treatable. We are taking her into surgery in about 10 minuets." I nodded and thanked the doctor. Isobel crawled over Josh's lap and into my own. She placed her small hand on my cheek and kissed the tip of my nose. 

"Mummy why are you crying?" I smiled lightly and took hold of her hand. 

"Because Jenna is really poorly." I decided to lay off tell her that Jen may only have a year to live. I didn't want to scare her what so ever. Josh had gone outside to ring Dad and everyone to let them know what was happeninig but in all honesty we had no idea. I would never wish this apon anyone. Why Jenna? Why not me? The only thought swimming around my head. She did nothing wrong, she's an innocent little child who has her life ahead of her! Everything was perfect, nothing had come in our way...I'm not liking the struggles to my life at all. 

Dad and Dani arrived about half an hour after Josh had rung them. As far as we know Jen is still in surgery. The same nurse came back towards us with a apologetic look on her face. 

"I'm sorry but we've looked and the tumour is not treatable however in the past there has been children that have corrected and treated the tumour themselves, depending on how strong their body is. We have every inch of hope in Jenna and she could live but with these things they are unpredictable...There is still a chance she may not live." 

My heart dropped straight into my stomach.

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