Really Good Friends

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The next morning when I woke up Lynx was already gone. I figured she wanted to have some time with Allistor before class so I did my own make-up and hair. I went to class feeling....well I can't really describe it. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either.

I had skipped breakfast because I wasn't ready to see Snape again so by lunch I was ravenous. I walked in and sat down across from Allistor. Lynx smiled at me faintly, but she seemed distracted. I would be sure to ask her about it later. I noticed Professor Snape was missing from the High Table.

"Don't you have a quidditch match against Hufflepuff tonight?" Allistor asked. I nodded happily. I had nearly forgotten. That's surprising since it would be the last game of the year. I glanced over at the Hufflepuff table to find many of their students were glaring in our direction.

"You two coming to watch?" I asked my friends. Allistor gave Lynx a slightly worried look and answered for them both.

"Of course we are, it's your last game," he smiled. Lynx looked towards the High Table giving me an opportunity to question Allistor with my eyes. He read my look and mouthed back, 'She's fine, just deep in thought about something.' I nodded just before Lynx brought her attention back to our table.

"You have double potions today, don't you?" she asked me. I wasn't sure why she asked so randomly, but she did know I had potions immediately following lunch so she could just be concerned as to how I might feel.

"Yup, It'll be fine though," I said meaningfully. Only Lynx would really understand what I meant. Allistor would think I was merely fed up with Snape's detentions.

"Yeah," Lynx smiled softly. She still seemed subdued. "I've heard Snape's in a really weird mood today so maybe he won't be as harsh as usual." I was glad she was talking. That meant she was okay.

Soon I left for potions. I arrived five minutes before class would start. Snape sat behind his desk with his head bowed. He looked up when I sat my stuff down, and gestured me to his desk.

"Yes Professor?" I asked. My heart raced as I wondered why everyone was acting so strangely today.

"You have good friends Miss Fellstone," he said in his deep droning way. I froze like a deer caught in headlights. What did that mean?.. "I had the pleasure of speaking to Miss Bradsworth this morning before my first class—at length." Oh shit! What had Lynx done!

"Sir! I—" I started panicking. He cut me off quickly with a raised hand.

"Everything is fine Isabella. She's a spirited young woman, isn't she?" he commented mildly despite the pensive look on his face. He used my first name without any noticeable reservation.

"Yes she is, she's the greatest friend a person could ask for," I bragged with a proud smile. Lynx was my adoptive family after all. Snape smirked.

"She will make a man one hell of a wife. Mr. Radcliff should watch out for that temper," he actually cracked a small smile, but there was irritation underneath. His eyes were still fierce despite the smile. By Mr. Radcliff he meant Allistor as that was his family name. I gave him a questioning look.

"How do you know of Lynx's temper?" I asked uncertain if I really wanted to know. My stomach was in knots.

"I had to cast a silencing charm on my classroom when she came to visit me this morning," he said sitting back leisurely. Lynx had been right; he was in a strange mood. My eyes widened.

"What'd she do?" I asked monotonously. I knew how Lynx could be.

"She came in and informed me that it would be best if I watched how I treated you. She said I wouldn't like her much if I made you cry again," he smirked again at this. "She had the intestinal fortitude to actually threaten me."

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