Chapter 16

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*Nikolajis's p.o.v*

I woke with a sigh, fluttering my eyes open. I looked around, seeing only Daniel's arms and chest in my veiw. Slowly liftiny my head up, I fond his sleeping face. I smiled and laid back down, moving my leg to get more comfortable. but instantly groaning in pain. My whole lower body hurt. Damn Daniel. I giggled quietly to myself and laid still.

"What's so funny?" he sleeply asked, scaring me senseless. I yelped and jumped in surprise. I groaned again at the movement, trying to be still.

"Are you alright?" he asked, worry and concern filling his voice. I laughed and nodded, kissing his chest.

"Yes, I'm more than alright, just sore" I felt him instantly relax under me.

"Did I wear you out that bad??" He teased, clearly smirking. i blushed and swatted at his chest, hidding my face.

"I'll take that as a yes"

"Oh shut it" He laughed, kissing my head and hugged me closer. I smiled and snuggled into his chest as he ran his finger tips up and down my bare back softly.

"What time is it?" I asked after awhile of comfortable silence.

"Four in the afternoon."  He replied causally. I gasped and jerked up right breaking from his hold, instantly regretting it. I hissed in pan and bit my lip.

"We slept in that late?!" He chuckled and slowly pulled me back on top of him.

" It's alright love. Besides, no one needs you today." I slowly nodded relaxing. i started to trace my mark on his chest. my stomach suddenly growled, filling the room with its hunger. he laughed, slowly sitting us up. i looked over his body, seeing a bloody bite mark i had given him on his shoulder. i gently touched around it.

"does it hurt badly?" i asked him, looking up at him watching me. he smiled and shook his head.

"no, not really. it's fine" i frowned and shook my head, leaning forward. i gently licked his bite, cleaning away the blood. it started healing, showing his flawless skin. i smiled happily.

"all better"

"wow....that is amazing" he said looking at his shoulder in awe. i shrugged and smiled.

"wait til you see what else i can do. hey. why don't you come with me and watch me train?" he nodded eagerly and grinned.

" i would love to! but first, you need to be feed" as he said that my tummy growled. i grinned and stretched.

"are you going to cook for me?"

"of course" i climbed out of bed, stretching again. i soon realized i was naked. he looked up and down my body, licking his lips.

" i am afraid i left a few marks" he said with a smirk.

"oh, i can tell how sorry you are" i replied, pulling my underwear on. "where are my pants?"

"i do not know. just borrow my clothes. i know i ripped your shirt in half" i chuckled and rolled my eyes, pulling out some of his clothes. i tried pulling on his extra long pants but only managed to trip myself and fall to the floor.

"owwww" i pouted. he laughed and climbed out of the bed, picking me up and placing me on top of his dresser. he fixed the pants, rolling them up for me. 

"thanks!" i jumped from his dresser, pulling on a shirt. it was basically a dress!! i looked over at him to realize he was stark naked. i pried my eyes away from his perfect body, commanding myself not to look. he sensed my inner battle and walked behind me, pulling my against his body. i blushed and pulled away from him, sending him a glare. he winked and blew me a kiss.

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