Where am I?

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"...bring her here?!" A loud voice demands far away.

Oh god, my head. What is going on? Did I- did I pass out? I try to shake the fog from my brain and sit up but I nearly pass out again. My head thunks on the cold metal surface beneath me and I groan, shifting my aching body. The voices arguing are getting louder as my head slowly stops spinning.

"...I couldn't just leave her!" A new voice states. "She inhaled Joker Venom!" Joker? Like from Batman? Where the- where the hell am I? I muster all of my strength. Ok, on the count of three you will sit up and not pass out. One. Two. Three.

"You have the antidote with you!" the first person says as I manage to sit up. I swing my legs over the side of the table I'm on and brace my arms on my knees, waiting for the spinning to stop. The cold metal presses into my thighs giving me goose bumps. "You disobeyed protocol and brought a civilian into the Cave!" The first voice growls. I take in deep even breaths until the spinning stops completely.

"SHE KNEW MY NAME!" I flinch at the sudden harshness in the second man's voice and look in the direction it came from. Blinking out the haziness in my eyes, I see two figures silhouetted against the blaring brightness of a large screen. One of them is pointing at me with an outstretched finger while staring down the other man. They're both wearing masks and one of them has a cape.

Nightwing?! Batman?!

"She knew your name?" Batman questioned.

"Yes." Nightwing said lowering his arm slowly. "She said 'Dick look out' and pushed me out of the way of the gas and got caught in it herself. And before you freak out, she didn't say it in front of the Joker. He set a trap for me and if it wasn't for her I would be laying in that alley right now."

What is he talking about? I stand up slowly and stare at the two men. And then it hits me. All my memories come flooding back in an instant and I have to turn and steady myself on the medical table to keep myself from falling over. They're real. This is real. "...injected her with the serum?" I hear Batman say behind me.

"Of course I did, over thirty minutes ago. She should be awake by now," Nightwing replies.

Awake? I am awake. "I'll take a look at her," Batman says gruffly. I hear footsteps coming closer. I grip the edge of the medical table tighter and stare straight at the floor hardy believing what I'm hearing. Of course I'm awake. I'm standing right here aren't I? Then a sinking feeling enters my stomach and an impending sense of dread takes over my whole body.

Ever so slowly I look up at the medical table. My hands start shaking as I see a body there. My body. I scream and back up only to see a dark figure materialize in front of me. No, not materialize, but emerge from inside me. I stumble to the ground and look down to see the last edge of the Dark Knight's cape pass through me.

What the hell? No, no, no, no, no.

Pure unadulterated panic takes over as I scramble to my feet and desperately look around my surroundings for an exit. Most of it is a blur, but it's definitely the Batcave. I spot the elevator and sprint towards it jamming my fist repeatedly on the "Up" button. After what seems like eternity it dings and the doors slide open. I throw myself inside and press the only other button in there to take me up.

"Alfred?" I hear Batman ask questioningly as he turns around to see a seemingly empty elevator. My breathing is short and heavy as the doors slide close. I sink to the ground and bury my head in my hands.

Whatis happening?! And why am I a god damn ghost?!

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