A Truly Rude Awakening

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Christy POV


Jerking awake with drool trailing down my chin. I tried to make sense out of what pulled me out of the sweet oblivion that is sleep. 

Then I heard it. 

“James!!! Don’t stop!!!” Thump, thump, thump!

Oh sweet lord Jesus no… My teacher was getting it on in the next room over.  Cringing in compete and utter horror, with more than a little disgust mixed in, I slammed the pillow over my head, hoping to drown out the moans emanating from the next room over. 

Several excruciatingly slow minutes passed before I jumped out of bed, ready to kick some ass.  On second thought, that ass is naked right now…

Groaning I climbed back in bed and reached over into my nightstand to dig out my iPod.  Setting the volume at an almost intolerable level I stuck the ear buds in my ears and tried to clear my mind of what was happening next door.

Mental images were beginning to invade my mind, and were highly unwelcomed there.  There it was, I was scarred for life.  At least I didn’t know who the slut was he was banging. That could only make this situation a thousand times more disturbing and awkward.

Deciding to get up and leave versus laying hear and feeling the vibrations from his headboard slamming into the wall next to me, I pulled myself back out of bed intent on hightailing it down the hall to Ryan’s room in hopes of potentially gaining a few more hours of sleep.

Peering around me in the faint glow of the early morning sun, I searched for a pair of pajama pants to toss over my bootie shorts and a hoodie to cover up my skimpy tank top.  Didn’t need to advertise the goods any more than necessary when there were sure to be a few guys up at this point.

As my eyes landed on Leslie’s bed I noticed it was empty.  Where on earth would she be at this god awful hour?  She never got up before she absolutely had to, and for that matter neither did I.

What can I say, sleep is our friend.

Slightly apprehensive about her absence I decided to shrug it off.  She probably found a random guy to hook up with and stayed at his last night. 

As my eyes finally landed on the necessary items of clothing for me to be able to make a hasty retreat, I bolted over to them and set records donning them. Seconds later I was bolting through the mostly empty hall until I was in front of Ryan’s door. 

Praying he would answer I pounded my fist against it and stood back waiting.  Less than a minute passed when the door was yanked open and some guy I had never seen before was standing in front of me.

I watched as his eyes widened and he put on what he must have thought was his game face.  It looked more like a creepy pirate face to me.

“Hey there sexy, did you want me to show you my room?  I’ve got a bed that I’m dying to break in.  How about I let you be the first to take a ride on it?”

Oh lord, gag me now.  Just as I was about to respond in a very unladylike fashion I saw a hand come up from behind this asstard in front of me, watching him flinch in a very satisfying manner as it made a sharp thwack against the back of his head.

“What the fu-“ He began while rubbing his head.

“Back off her man before I have to do permanent damage, though I do have to say that may be impossible since you’re already dumb as a pile of shit.”

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