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I woke up with a shock.

"Oh my god it's so fuCKING HOT GET OOOOFFFF OF MEEEE" I yell as I peel Dallons sweaty body off of my own. Dallon mumbled something and rolled over, going back to sleep.

I get up, collect some clothes and run into the bathroom to shower. As I jump into his shower, embracing the nice cool temperature of the water, something felt... off. I nudge this weird feeling away, looking forward to being able to go and make new music with the love of his life.

As I finish my shower, Dallon came in. "It's hot man." He murmured as he walked past. "Sorry I'm leaving" I answer snickering at Dallons groan.

As Dallon finished his shower and both of us were ready, we left, making sure to take our keys and our favourite instrument.

We got in the car and started for the highway, the music blaring and both of us singing until we couldn't breathe. But as we came to a light, Dallon didn't notice that it went red.

Until everything went black.


"Brendon please wake up."

"Brendon you have to wake up soon, I have all your favourite foods cooked at home."

"I brought you some new shirts today, you said yours kept ripping."

"Please wake up."

My eyes open, a bright light getting casted into them. "Oh my god Brendon baby thank god you're awake!"

"Mum?" My scratchy voice cut through as something audible.

"Yes honey I'm here"

"What happened?"

"You slipped in the shower and knocked your head so hard you put yourself in a coma, if I didn't visit you would have drowned, your head was under the water."

"Where's Dallon?" I ask, looking around for my partner, sadly not noticing anyone else in the room.

"Who's Dallon?"

"I used to sing in the shower with him, I loved him. We even sang happy birthday to you."

"Honey, I've never heard of anyone named Dallon in my life."

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