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Camila: Good morning Lauren 
(7:00 AM)

Camila: Hope you have a good day
(7:05 AM)


Camila: Hey
(11:50 AM)

Camila: How come you're not responding?
(12:02 PM)

Camila: I'm starting to worry
(12:10 PM)


Camila: Is this about what Mani said?
(4:09 PM)

Camila: Please don't do this
(4:10 PM)

Camila: You said you weren't mad at me and I believed you
(4:12 PM)

Camila: You are though
(4:13 PM)

Camila: I didn't mean to hurt you
(4:22 PM)

Lauren: You didn't hurt me
(4:30 PM)

Lauren: I'm not mad at you
(4:35 PM)

Lauren: I'm just trying to protect myself
(4:36 PM)

Camila: I don't want you to feel like you need protection from me
(4:37 PM)

Camila: Please just be honest with me
(4:38 PM)

Camila: What's going on?
(4:38 PM)

Lauren: I like you, a lot. And it's all too fast, I've known you for a week and I'm feeling every emotion when it comes to you so deeply
(4:40 PM)

Lauren: You scare me
(4:41 PM)

Lauren: I don't fall for anyone, not since Keana
(4:41 PM)

Camila: Keana?
(4:43 PM)

Lauren: She used to be my best friend, I fell for her. Fast and hard, like I have with you. She was questioning, she told me she wanted to be with me and I believed her. I let myself fall in love with her and she changed her mind, one minute she was kissing me and the next she was telling me she was straight and it was all a mistake
(4:46 PM)

Lauren: I can't be someone's experiment again
(4:47 PM)

Lauren: When I'm with you I'm happy, when I talk to you everything in the world is okay, but when I'm alone I can feel it all slipping away before it even starts
(4:49 PM)

Lauren: I didn't even realize it until I thought you were going to start dating that guy from Dinah's studio and I got so jealous and that's when I realized how hard I was falling for you and there was no way to stop it from happening
(4:53 PM)

Camila: Lauren...
(4:55 PM)

Lauren: I don't want to lose you
(4:57 PM)

Lauren: You're a great person
(4:58 PM)

Lauren: But I can't let myself fall for you
(4:58 PM)

Camila: You already have
(4:59 PM)

Lauren: You're not wrong
(5:01 PM)

Camila: So give me a chance to prove to you that I'm not Keana
(5:02 PM)

Camila: Give me a chance, please Lauren
(5:02 PM)

Lauren: I'm already giving you one and it feels like it did with Keana and it's nothing you did, it's all in my head
(5:05 PM)

Camila: When did you start feeling like I was going to hurt you?
(5:07 PM)

Lauren: After we hung out on the boardwalk. I was texting Ally about you and then I was laying in bed and I kinda freaked out, I have all these feelings about you, but they scare me...
(5:10 PM)

Lauren: Keana and I used to go to the boardwalk and you were leaning against the rails and I almost kissed you and all I could picture in my mind was Keana pushing me off her and telling me she couldn't pretend she wanted me anymore
(5:13 PM)

Camila: Can we meet up?
(5:15 PM)

Lauren: Not tonight, I just need to be alone
(5:16 PM)

Lauren: I'm sorry
(5:16 PM)

Lauren: I have to go
(5:17 PM)

Camila: My phone is on if you need me
(5:19 PM)

Camila: Thanks for telling me 
(5:21 PM)

Lauren: Thanks for listening 
(5:24 PM)


Camila: Sweetest dreams Lauren
(9:50 PM)

Lauren: Goodnight Camila ❤
(9:55 PM)

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