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The Next Morning

"You leaving?" Natalie asked, walking up to the green Prius.

"You care?" Shane snapped.

"More than I should," Natalie muttered.

"We're taking the kid out. The old man says his leg's healed up fine so we're gon' take him 18 miles out," Shane explained in exasperation.

"Remind me to ask Rick next time. Maybe he won't be a douchebag to the people who attempt to give a shit about someone's wellbeing other than their own," Natalie said with a sarcastic smile.

"Don't be a bitch," Shane snapped.

"You say the sweetest things to me, Shane Walsh," Natalie said sarcastically.

"You got the ropes?" Rick asked, jogging up to Shane.

"Yeah," Shane said gruffly, putting the rope in Rick's outstretched hands.

"You're tying him up?" Natalie asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"It's safer that way," Rick sighed.

"I'll go get 'em," Shane said gruffly, walking towards the farmhouse.

"Don't forget to use the Boy Scouts knots I made you learn," Natalie called after him teasingly.

"Nick was only in the Boy Scouts for like a week," Rick said, laughing.

"Yeah, but I spent that entire week studying every Boy Scout skill I could on YouTube," Natalie said, with a small chuckle.

"Of course you did," Rick said laughing.

"I would've done anything to make that boy happy. I just wish he was here right now," Natalie sighed.

"Me too, Nat. Me too," Rick sighed.

Shane walked back over to the car, a blindfolded and tied up boy in tow.

"Get in," Shane ordered him roughly, shoving him into the trunk of the Prius.

"Geez, Shane-- he's just a kid. No need to be so rough," Natalie said concerned, she could see the ropes cutting into the boy's trembling skin.

"Do you know what he's done?" Shane asked angrily, slamming the trunk closed.

"You've listed it many, many times. Rape, murder, assault-- I understand that he comes from a group full of shitty people, but there's no need for you to be a shitty person, too," Natalie said fiercely.

"You know, it's kind of funny-- you guys used to save people from situations like this, and now you're putting that boy in the situation you were trained to fight against," Natalie scoffed.

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