Chapter 31: Slipped

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Dance Vigilantes
Chapter 31: Slipped

Michigan Drive, Downtown Chicago

Lotus’s POV

For a vigilante that reminds me of a barbie doll, she can keep up. She’s fast in trying to hack my head off with that Katana but then again, I’m better with my ax

“So what are you supposed to be, a lumberjack that decided she wants to be a vigilante?!” The bitch, Sunset Phoenix shouted. Really? A long ass name?

“How about you? A new line of super villain barbie?” I say back to her as I swing my ax on her neck but she back pedaled just in time to dodge. For a barbie doll, she’s very good, but I’m better!

“Just stay down you indian lumberjack!” Sunset Phoenix shouted

“Hun, take a tip from me. If you’re gonna make a burn on me, at least be funny!”  I say to her and that made her a bit mad. She swung left and right as I dodged her attack. Time to end this.

I made a few pirouettes around her and that got her furiously looking at me. I learned that dance moves are great form of distractions. When she’s distracted enough, I made a side aerial on her right. This caused her to turn her body to her right and that gave me the opportunity to grab her arm on a lock with my free hand while I hold my ax on my other hand. I had the blade on her throat

“Playtime’s over barbie. Now either you stop all this and go play with your ken dolls, or I’ll complete the barbie detail with a slit on your neck?” I say to her as she tried to struggle out of my hold but I made sure to subdue her.

“How about……….neither bitch!” Sunset Phoenix shouted. She dropped her katana and brushed her hand fast on her waist, releasing pink smoke that spread fast. I cough out the smoke and try to adjust my vision. I felt a sharp sting on my stomach, followed by an arm yanking out of my hand. When the smoke cleared, Sunset Phoenix is gone!

“Clever little barbie doll….might as well offer my services with the others” I said as I ran to help out Fusion. I’ll get you one day Sunset Phoenix

Starlight’s POV

Protect my friends at all cost. That’s the only thing running in my mind right now. The blade did drop on Kenzie but it fell sideways in her stomach, sparing her while her almost murderer was on the ground, blood pooling on his head. I run to Kenzie and JoJo and check up on them

“You two alright?! Are you all hurt?! Tell me all of you are okay?!” I ask them

“I am now! I thought I was gonna bite it back there!” Kenzie shouted

“I felt I almost had a heart attack coming! That was fucking horrifying!” JoJo added nervously while she supports the man from the alley on her shoulders

“Good! Now go to a safe place and -”

“Starlight look out!” Kenzie and JoJo shouted together while they pointed behind me. More of the mercenaries came from who knows where and had guns aimed on us. My training kicked in and I started firing at them.

Protect Mackenzie...protect JoJo...that was on my mind right now. I fired towards them before they do the same to us and the bullets hit their heads and lungs. I couldn’t stop. I can’t afford to stop. I won’t allow them to be hurt, even have a strand of hair be cut down.

I’ll protect them even if I have to kill

More went for us and I reload fast and take cover on an abandoned police cruiser on the road. Once they stopped for a moment, I fired again, making sure to do killing hits on them. I heard footsteps from my left and saw three of the fuckers with swords on their hands. I fire on their heads, splattering brain guts on the ground. I was about to fire on the third fucker when he suddenly brandished a gun really fast, ready to fire. But then he got smacked in the head by a lead pipe and fell down. I looked who smacked the guy

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