21: Beach disaster

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Nanami POV
I woke up feeling sore from the training I had done on the previous day. After the curse thing with Chimari, Tomoe has been training us any chance he gets. He even does it at school during breaks! This has been going on for the past month and I swear this much training is bad for Chimari and I's health. We need a break or something. Wait, I've got it! I quickly got dressed in summery clothing and voiced my idea at breakfast. "Guys, I think that we should go on a day trip to the beach!" I got right to the point with my suggestion while smiling brightly, everyone gave me a different response. Mizuki smiled happily;
"That's a great idea Nanami-chan!" Chimari was looking down with a sad look on her face. Tomoe looked as if the idea bothered him;
"No, we need to keep up yours and Chimari's goddess lessons"
"That's exactly why we need to go on this trip! Chimari and I need a break from all the training!" I yelled. He was taken aback not expecting this from me.
"Nanami's right, we could all use a little breather. Let's go to the beach!" Chimari smiled. Wasn't she just upset looking? Maybe I was just imagining things...at least we're going, we SO need this.

Chimari POV
The beach huh? I absentmindedly shuffled through my wardrobe as I recalled the last time I saw my mum alive and happy. It was a bright sunny day and I was playing with her. I never knew that would be the last time we played together...Although I don't want it to, my mind flashbacks to the last day I spent with mum; It was a bright sunny day and I was playing with my mum. Daddy was working and gave mummy money to treat herself but she used it to take herself and I to the beach instead. My short blonde hair blew in the breeze as mummy helped me build a giant sandcastle. "Mummy look! There's a pretty shell to decorate the castle with!" I picked up the shell to see legs dangling from the bottom of it. "Wow! This shell has legs! Look mummy look!" She chuckled as I giggled in delight.
"That's called a hermit crab, they use pretty shells like that for their homes"
"Hey Mr Hermit Crab, would you like to see my castle?" I put it down and it scuttled away from us. "Aww, it left"
"It's probably going back to its family"
"I shouldn't keep it from doing that then, family is important" Mummy kissed me on the forehead and nodded.
"Yes, family is important...no matter what species you are" she said that with a sad smile. I tilted my head in confusion.
"Are you okay mummy? You look sad"
"I'm fine sweetheart, do you want to go get some ice-cream?"
"Yes please!" I jumped up and walked, holding mummy's hand happily. When we reached the ice-cream stand, mummy ordered one bubblegum ice-cream and one chocolate. "Bubblegum is so good!" As we walked and licked our ice-creams, someone barged past me causing my ice-cream to fly out of my hand. Mummy reached out for it and it glowed blue before floating towards her.
"W-whoa! How'd you do that!?" I asked excitedly. She didn't answer and looked around making sure nobody saw when there was a sudden shout.
"There's been a Yokai spotted in our village!" Everyone began to panic and run around. Mummy dropped her ice-cream and picked me up.
"Mummy? What's going on?"
"It's nothing dear, finish your ice-cream" I was worried but did as she said because it was bubblegum flavoured ice-cream. I wasn't not going to finish it. By the time I finished it, we were at home and mummy and daddy were talking about something in the kitchen. They said I should stay in my bedroom. Tears gathered in my eyes and my hand froze on a random piece of clothing in my wardrobe. "Chimari?" I jumped and quickly used my kimono sleeve to wipe away my tears before turning towards Tomoe.
"What is it? Do you need sun lotion or something for the beach?"
"You've been crying" I got up and took out the dress I'd be wearing to the beach.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Do you think I should wear sunglasses?"
"Yes to the sunglasses? I was thinking that too. This sunhat would also do nicely plus it matches the colour of the dress. But what sandals should I wear? I don't have much so it shouldn't be hard to pick-" Tomoe grabbed my wrists and looked down at me seriously.
"I can tell you have been crying, I can also tell that you are currently upset. So tell me, what is the matter?" His eyes pleaded me to tell him. Tears gathered again and fell. Tomoe brought me into an embrace.
"The beach is where mum and I spent her last day and I just...I really miss her..."
"It's normal to feel like that but you have to remember that she's always watching over you with a big smile on her face as her child has grown into a beautiful young lady"
"Thanks Tomoe" I sniffled and he wiped away my tears. "I feel better now, I could even say I'm excited" It was amazing how only a few words from my lover, made my mood switch.
"You're lucky you're even going to the beach"
"Don't be like that Tomoe, Nanami's right we need a break from your constant training or we're going to collapse of exhaustion or something like that"
"I am only training you because you both need to become stronger to protect yourselves better"
"Well we have our limits you know and it'd be bad for our health if you pushed us past them"
"I know that...I'm just scared someone's going to end up taking you away from me..."
"Oh Tomoe, it touches my heart to know you care so much" I kissed him softly. "But I'm not scared because I know if that does happen then you'll rescue me like you always do. I will promise to protect myself from people like that but I know you'll always find me even if it takes a while" I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"I will always find you wherever you may be" After that I changed into my beach clothes.

Love is everlasting (Tomoe x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora