Chapter 1: Vampire King

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Shadow sits on this throne looking at all the vampires who sat at the tabled in front of him, he looked towards Amy and Sonic who were tightly hugged into each other with Sonic's hand place lightly over her 6-month pregnant belly.

"Your king has a command for you all!" Shadow shouted and his deep voice echoed around the hall, all of the vampires stood to attention and looked towards their king.

"We have lived long enough wondering who will take the throne if I happen to pass away, I have decided that I wish to have a child" Shadow said to the vampire clan who looked shocked.

"But how my king? Vampires can't have children, unless they get pregnant as mortals" Sonic said to Shadow who began to think.

"There is a hedgehog called Silver I have been watching for a while, she would be the perfect mother to my child, I wish for you to go and get her for me" Shadow replied to Sonic, Sonic then bowed and her ran out of the castle followed by Tails and Knuckles.

Somewhere in the large city of Solia a white curved hedgehog with long white hair that slightly covered her eye was walking down the dark street light lit street. The girl suddenly heard a noise, she spun round to see no one in site.

"H-hello, is someone there?" The girl asked nervously, but there was no reply, the girl began to walk quicker and she kept looking around to see if anyone could be seen. Sonic's bring red eyes lit up behind the girl and he evilly smiled, she slowly walked up to the girl.

"Hello miss" Sonic said, the girl jumped and dropped her bag, Sonic bent down and picked up her bag and handed it to her.

"Oh, thank you, I'm sorry you startled me" The girl replied and kindly took the bag from the blue hedgehog, Tails and Knuckles walked out from behind Sonic.

"We have someone who wishes to speak with you, now you can come quietly or we can do this the hard way" Sonic said to the girl and Knuckles pulled out a rope and Tails pulled out a mouth gag.

"P-please don't hurt me" The girl said as she cowered away from the red eyed boys. Sonic ran next to the girl and grabbed her shoulders from behind.

"Then come quietly" Sonic whispered in the girl's ear. The girl nodded and Sonic lightly placed a blind fold over the girl's golden amber eyes.

Sonic, Knuckles and Tails walked back into the large castle and made their way to the dining room, Sonic had the white hedgehog over his shoulder and she had tears streaming down her face.

"We have returned by king, and we have the girl you asked for." Sonic said as they entered the room, Shadow stood up from this stone throne and walked into the canter of the room. Sonic set the girl down in front of Shadow and he violently pulled the blind fold off.

"Hello mortal, I am Shadow, king of castle valour, welcome." Shadow said to the shivering girl who whited the tears from her eyes.

"What do you want with me?" The girl asked the muscular vampire king, Shadow looked down and her and offered his hand to help her up and she accepted it.

"I wish to speak in private, please follow me" Shadow said and he began to walk up a set of stairs and the girl slowly followed.

The pair soon reached the king's bedroom and Shadow closed the door behind them, the girl sat down on the bed and waited for the king to speak.

"I have been watching you for a while, and I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and I wish for you to become my mate" Shadow said ad he took the girls hand.

"Mate? You mean like your girlfriend?" The girl asked slightly confused as scared.

"I suppose that's what you mortals call it... What do you say?" Shadow asked the girl.

"I'm not sure... you did have me kidnapped and I don't even know who you are" The girl said and took her hands from Shadow.

"Would you be willing to get to know me? and I'm sorry about the kidnapping, I needed you here" Shadow said to the girl.

"I guess I could give you a chance... I'm guessing I have to stay in this castle?" The girl said and the vampire king nodded.

"Hi... I'm Silver Rose, it's nice to meet you Shadow" Silver said to the king and held out her hand for him to shake, he smiled and shook her hand.

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