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"Mrs. Braxton please calm down and breathe."

It had been 3 days since anyone had last heard from Tamika. We had a search party, commercials and billboards everywhere. Every time we still came up with nothing.

"I'm going to go lay down for awhile and thank you again Thomas." I nodded my head to Mrs. Braxton as she slowly walked up the stairs.

"This makes no fucking sense! Like where the hell can her ass be! She can't be this damn selfish!" Toni yelled while throwing pillows to the floor.

"Toni, baby I'm going to go get your dad. I'll be back in 2 hours. Relax and try to take your mind off of this."

I kissed Toni on the cheek and left.


"The Krusty Krab Pizza is the pizza for you and me....."

Suddenly Toni jumped on me and started kissing me. I slightly backed up and pushed her off of me.

"What's wrong with you?"

Toni pulled me by my collar,"No what's wrong with you."

"Your mother is in the house plus you told me to back off so I did."

Toni rolled her eyes,"Oh now you listen."

"I always do. You're the one that never listens."

I pushed her up against the counter and began to kiss her. Toni pulled me closer and began to unbutton my pants. I picked her up and placed her on the counter as my pants fell to the floor. I trailed my hand up Toni's thigh and she blushed.

"Kenny darling, I don't have any panties on." Toni whispered in my ear in her Eartha Kitt voice.

Just when I was about to ram into her the damn doorbell rung.

"Don't worry about it. They'll go away." Toni said kissing me.

The doorbell continued to ring over and over again.

"Another time." Toni said pushing me back and hopping off the counter.

Toni headed upstairs as I answered the door. It was Det. Ralph Tue the man assigned to Tamika's case. I didn't like him at all because he was so odd. He was short,small and smelled like a mixture of alcohol and Old Spice. He wore a trench coach and a fedora that was two sizes too big.

"Kenny nice to see you mind of I come in?"

I stepped aside as Det. Tue walked in looking around. He scanned as much as he could before turning back to me.

"I'll go get Toni and Mrs. Braxton for you."

I began to walk away but he stopped me.

"No. No. That won't be necessary. I want to ask you some questions." Det. Tue said taking out his notepad.

"Sure no problem. Come in the kitchen."

We walked in the kitchen and sat down on the barstools. He looked at me and smiled.

"So I hear that you and Tamika were dating at some point. Tell me about your relationship?"

I inhaled and exhaled, Tamika and I dated for a couple months. It never really got serious because we were both immature."

"Immature as in?" Det. Tue asked looking up from his notepad.

"We would cheat on each other or pretend to cheat on each other."

"Ahh I see well that comes with being young and trying to make since of a relationship. So you said both of you would cheat? Who did you cheat on her with?"

"Excuse me?"

"Kenny I need to know these things. That person could have harmed Tamika that's why I'm asking."

I pondered on his words as I thought of Toni. Toni has been the only one really. There were others but I don't know their names.

"I don't know her name but I know where she hangs out. We met at the club on the strip. I know what she looks like and that's it."

Det.Tue looked up at me like a bulb went off in his head. He wrote some more things then turned to me.

"Kenny how many times has a girl turned you down?"

"Numerous times." I quickly lie as he writes it down. I know what he's trying to do and it won't work. He's trying to make me a suspect. He wants me to slip up and say something odd.

"I've been hearing that you have a temper problem and has people threatening your life at one point?"

"That's old it happened from some stupid stuff I did when I first got here. I was just trying to fit in and ran across the wrong girl who had a boyfriend. Everything is cool now."

"Everything is cool because they got tired of messing with you? Or everything is cool because you gave them Tamika?"

I sat there and began to laugh at the Det. He looked at me and sat his pen down.

"You've got to be kidding me. I would never do anything like this to Tamika. You've got the wrong ideas brewing in that tank head of yours."

Suddenly the door open and Toni appeared. Det. Tue soon left later and Toni walked back into the kitchen. She got a bottle of water and sat down across from me.

"Where were you the night my sister went missing?"

There's a lot of people that could be behind the disappearance of Tamika. Who do you think did it?

Taking Risks: With My Stepson Where stories live. Discover now