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"Orders came threw," Hera yells. Kannan says, "What are they Hera?". Hera explains, "We must dock with Admiral Radis home one command ship." Ezra says, "Is the princess there?" "Yes she is," Kannan said." Hera said,  "We must protect the princess so she can escape with the plans to the Death Star." I say, "Copy." As the Tie Fighters moved in our ship was shot. We boarded the command ship as fast as we possibly could. As we ran to the ship there was Darth Vader. Kannan says, "Ezra remember your training and trust the force always." I say, "May the force be with us." Vader made the first move choking Kannan, I moved in I struck my lightsaber at him and he pushed me away to the floor. Kannan made the ultimate sacrifice, he used his lightsaber to close the door. Kannan yells, "Run now." Kannan saved me. Vader didn't kill Kannan but instead he took him to his Imperial Shuttle. I remember the sounds of Vader on the command ship slaughtering everyone in his path of victory. I  remember the screams of fear and the loss of my fellow soldiers and my master Kannan. Hera yells at me, "Lets go now, we have to go now Ezra."  I say, "I am coming." We boarded the Ghost and we abandoned Kannan for now. Some of the best tie fighter pilots I have ever seen are on this planet, the planet of Scarif. Were are retreating along with the rest of the Rebel Alliance fleet. A Tie Fighter shot a ion torpedo at our ship. Hera yells, " Were hit the Ghost is no longer stabilized, get to the Phantom now all of you." "Were on it Hera." Sabine and Zeb yell back. As Sabine, Zeb and I got in the Phantom, Hera is climbing the latter up, and the Ghost ship got shot and Hera fell down the ladder. Hera ordered Sabine to leave her but it was to late a Rebel Blockade Runner picked up the Ghost and the Phantom was launched into hyperspace with unknown coordinates in the nav computer. At least Sabine, Zeb and I know Hera is with the rebellion.





    The jump through hyperspace was a long boring time. Sabine says, " The nav computer is damaged and we will be jumping out of hyperspace no time soon." Zeb comments, "Carrabst" I say, "At least we are ok, we have each other for now. Zeb says, "I sure wish Kannan were here." I say, "I do to buddy." I say, "Sabine will you be able to fix the nav computer?" Sabine answers, "Yeah it is fixable Ezra." The battle of Scarif was a loss and a win for the rebellion I thought. Without Kannan we were flying blind without a leader. Sabine yells, "We are coming out of hyper space fast brace yourselves for impact!" Zeb says, "Wait I'm not ready to wreck." Sabine says, "Hold on" I say, Sabine pulls the ship up as fast as she could. Sabine says, "Were safe for now its not a imperial outpost, it's a hanger in the middle of no where." Zeb says, "There is a incoming transmission." Play it through Zeb ill talk to them." I say. "Hello unidentified cargo shuttle my name is Ferlac owner of this hanger." I say, "Hi Ferlac my is Ezra Bridger our ship has been damaged can we dock in your hanger to make repairs?" Ferlac answers, "You may do your repairs in Hanger 31 in the mid ring." Sabine says, "Yes we can dock and make our repairs." "Good work kid." Zeb says, "Thanks Zeb" I say. As we landed I imagined the hanger to be a ugly dirt ball but it was a nice hanger bay with nothing in it. The hanger was pristine as a senate building. As we landed I saw 3 B-1 battle droids, we landed I was nervous I took my blaster and I shot down one of the battle droids. Sabine yells, "No Ezra those were the Ferlac the owner he reprogrammed them." I say,  "How do you know this Sabine? "Sabine answers, "Ugh he just contacted us and said he is coming along with a squad of droid escort." I drop my voice and I say, "Oh oops sorry Sabine." I saw someone come in and it must of have been Ferlac I thought he would be Human, but he wasn't he was a Pau'an. "What happened here my droid!!" Ferlac yells. I say, "I am so sorry Ferlac, we have been through a lot today." Zeb says, "We have seen battle droids that tried to kill us before and they had a blaster." Ferlac yells, "You kids make your repairs and leave here." Zeb answers, "Yes sir." Ferlac says, "Is that a old transport you have there?" Sabine answers, "Shure is one of the best transports there is." Ferlac says, "Are you selling those are very valuably these days." Sabine answers, "Not for sale it is the only ship we own." Ferlac says, "Well if you need assistance on your ship go see the Freemakers they live here on the Wheel." Zeb says in question, "Who are the Freemakers?" Ferlac answers, "They are some of the best mechanics I know." I say, "Can they fix our ship?" Ferlac answers, "If you have enough credits they will." "Thanks for tip Ferlac." Sabine says, Ferlac and his two B-1 battle droids left the hanger. I say to Sabine and Zeb "We should go and see the Freemakers." Zeb says back "We need to see them if they can fix our ship and get us out of here." Sabine says, "I know we need to make our way to Yavin IV" "Then lets go see the Freemakers." I say.

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