Chapter One

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"Apparently we will go going up against the strongest guilds in Fiore. Even better." Michiko grins, the book on the table as she lies on her front, puffing up the fur on her cheeks as she flicks over to the second page. "Fairy tail... Lamia Scale... Sabertooth..."

"It will be harder then, Michiko. You can't down-place your opponent." Valvia replies amused at the exceeds' enthusiasm.

"Shouldn't you be training?" Laso asks, slamming his palms against the table, opposite Valvia who basely moves in shock. Her eyes still locked on the tray in front of her that has now been half cleared for a while. "Coa is already in the arena, Nata joined him recently. Shinju is currently doing who knows what."

Miki moans, keeping his face on the table as he snores softly, his dangerous tail wrapped around himself. Valvia's hand over his body, allowing the large sleeve of her overcoat to provide more warmth. Michiko passes a glare from her position yet continues to read through the first few pages of the book before scooting closer to her brother.

Laso's hair is unruly, thick and spiked all at once in the colour of raven strands. His eyes a matching obsidian. While he isn't the strongest mage in the guild, his speed is all he needs. Often seen dragging Nata away from Shinju as he was a founder of the guild and adopted son of Saki, and Chiko.

"I should... But, I've done nothing but train in secrecy with Miki and Michiko the past two days." Valvia replies, rolling her neck and moaning when the crack resounds. "Michiko's reading the notes before explaining them to me also." She nudges her head very slightly towards the female exceed who huffs and turns her head away from Laso's gazing eyes.

A sudden holler of his name causes him to turn around. "Oh go on down there. I think Nata's also look for you." He grins, patting Valvia's head before leaving the group be. Her arms scooping up a sleeping Miki as she stands. Michiko flying onto her shoulder.

"Left. Right, right. Left." Michiko murmurs ever-so-softly, helping with directions as she guides her partner around the hall towards the entrance, dodging a fight beginning between two of the males in the guild, - Yura and Kane. Laso suddenly failing to break it up between the two who play fight like animals.

To the left of the entrance, she enters the side down that immediately leads to stairs that swirl down into the depths of the lower floors. With each step down, Valvia's body slightly jumps on impact and instinctively wakes up Miki who yawns, sits up and stretches.

His eyes immediately focusing and un-focusing on the sudden darkness that is surrounding them. The lanterns hung on the walls fading and flashing brighter with every step. "You should've just woke me..." Miki mutters jumping up onto her spare shoulder. Michiko no-longer speaking out directions.

"Well then, maybe you should not fall asleep in the middle of the day." She mutters, passing a sharp glance to her brother who mocks her words swiftly in a high pitch voice, setting off a blazing fire in her eyes. "How dare you... you runt!" She hisses, snapping the book shut and attempt to claw at him with her spare paw.

"If anything, I'm the older one... So wouldn't the runt be you?" He retorts. Valvia begins laughing whole-heartedly, stopping either of them from suddenly fighting and look at the side of her head. "What's so funny, Valvia?"

"You both are just like Shinju and Nata..." Michiko gasps in disbelief.

"Do not place me in the same boat as those two! Those... Those -..."

"No matter how much you two fight... You'll always be closer than ever, it's just in your genes." Valvia interjects, shrugging her shoulders in mock surprise causing the two to fall and end up in her arms, holding them both close to her chest.

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