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getting ready to go out... he sent flowers ❤

40.9k likes | 20.1k comments

last_mann: you're welcome, cant wait to see you ❤

username: HOLY SHIT^^^

username: yessss, they're finally dating!!

connoro'sexy: make sure to use the condoms I packed for you, don't need any mini Dillons running around

mialpaca: don't give it away on the first date, m'kay?

dillpickle: jfc, the date hasn't even started yet! mialpaca connoro'sexy

saranudes: looks like little Dillon is finally getting some

username: I'm surprised she actually goes on dates, considering her sluttiness I thought she just slept around

last_mann: Dude, back tf up. Just because you're hiding behind a computer screen doesn't mean you can say this kind of shit to an amazing girl. username

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