#42 He Mistreats You In Public

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Zayn: Zayn needed to do some shopping and usually goes alone but since you needed to get some things as well you decided to tag along. For most of the day there weren't many paps around or fans but as it got later and later more people got wind that you two were out and about. Both knowing you didn't want to be out any longer you start making your way to Zayn's car. Noticing the crowds surrounding you two are getting larger you link your arm through Zayn's and stay as close to him as possible. When it was becoming harder and harder to push through the crowds and you could hear people calling you names your grip around Zayn's arms tightened not realizing you were hurting him. Zayn tried to ignore it knowing you're scared but it became too much and he is already so frustrated with the overwhelming crowds that he yelled at you. "Babe, let go." He instructed. "But Zayn..." you start to say but trail off. "Fucking hell (Y/N) you're a big girl I think you can walk through a crowd by yourself." He snaps rather loudly. You instantly move away from him and flush from embarrassment at Zayn's outburst. You wrap your arms around yourself and keep your head down as you finally make it to his car. The tension inside the car could be cut with a knife and Zayn knows he's messed up by how quiet you're being. When you get home you go to your room and can't help but look at what people are saying from the day. Everyone was making fun of you and now calling you the ultimate clingy girlfriend. Zayn finally walked into the bedroom and sat in front of you taking your hands in his, "I'm sorry." He whispered, "I shouldn't have said what I did. I was just getting really overwhelmed and I didn't mean to yell at you or embarrass you." You want to stay mad at him but he looks genuinely upset by what he did so you smile softly at him and kiss him, "You're forgiven. Just please don't do it again." "I won't I promise." He tells you, kissing you once more.

Louis: Today you and Louis decided to go play a game of football at the local park, the guys decided to join and a few of their other friends as well. You're not the best at the game but you were better than Harry so that made you feel better but you're still the only girl so who knows what kind of torment all the guys would put you through. You were automatically put on Louis' team but wish you weren't because Louis is really great at the game and this isn't just a game between you two, this was a game with a lot of his friends so he'd probably show off and takes the game far too seriously. Your fears were confirmed when more than half way through the game you completely missed the ball causing you to fall over and cost your team a point. You could hear the guys laughing at you and you tried to brush it off knowing they were joking around and they laughed many of the other people who tripped and fell during the game. Right as you were getting up and trying not to be too embarrassed Louis walked over to you. "Babe, what the fuck was that?" he yelled. Your eyes widen and you step back, "What?" "Why did you miss that ball?" he questions. "I don't know I just did okay? I'm sorry." Louis rolls his eyes, "Well try harder next time." He walks away and you notice a lot of the guys starring at you. You flush from embarrassment and try to focus back on the game but you're not feeling well so you ended up missing another ball. "(Y/N)!" Louis yells in frustration. "Can you at least try to play?" "I am trying! If you weren't so competitive you'd see that! I'm not a professional footballer Lou and this isn't a professional game. Stop treating me like shit just because you want to show off to your friends and win another game." You yell at him and begin walking away. "I'm going home. I hope you win." You were hoping Louis would have gone after you but you weren't surprised when he didn't and chose to finish the game. When he got home though he had a bouquet of flowers and your favorite candy, "I'm sorry I was such a jerk. I let my competitive side get the best of me and I'm sorry." You can't help but smile at the kind gesture and forgive him, making him promise not to yell at you in front of his friends again.

Liam: Liam was invited to a party hosted by a tv network and asked you to go with him. You never cared for these posh parties but dating one fifth of a boy band, you knew you'd have to go anyway. The party is full of people you don't know and people who pretended to care about Liam and his job. Parties and people like this really ticked you off because they only wanted a famous name and face, they didn't genuinely care about Liam and what he does in fact you knew they could care less. The party attendees were all spitting lies about what they could do for the band when you knew all they cared about was how much they were going to get paid. Liam was playing the businessman and going along with it which made you a little mad as well, you just wish he would stick up for himself and the band. When one of the many TV executives started talking to Liam about how much she loved the band you couldn't help but laugh making Liam glare at you. "What's your favorite song?" you asked the woman. The woman's smile didn't falter, "What Makes You Beautiful and yours?" You chuckle under your breath, "Moments." "Oh I haven't heard that one." "Figures." You mumble under your breath. Liam stiffens next to you and grabs a hold of your upper arm, excusing you both from the conversation and walking off to a corner. "What are you doing?" he asks you. "I'm not doing anything!" "I know you think this is all meaningless but it's not to me. Stop acting like you're five and better than all of them." Your jaw drops not believing what you just heard from him. You shake your head and begin to walk away when he grabs your upper arm again; you wince as his hand tightens around your arm. "Liam," you whisper trying to ignore all of the stares now on you two. "Liam, you're hurting me and people are starring." Liam instantly let you go and kissed your temple. "I'm sorry." He whispers in your ear. "I know you hate these kinds of people and parties but this is important to the band, okay?" You sigh and hug him, "Okay. I'm sorry too." You tell him with a kiss to his jaw.

Harry: When Harry invited you to attend the Reading and Leeds festival with him and his friends you didn't expect it be quite like this. He's been ignoring you for the better part of the day and keeps going off to watch bands without you. He's drinking more than he usually does and he's dancing with his friends and completely ignoring the fact that you hardly know these people so when he does leave you, you're left to awkwardly stare at your phone. Getting fed up with it you ask Harry to step aside to have a private conversation. "What's wrong love? You can say it in front of my friends." "No, Harry. I want to talk privately. Can we please go somewhere else?" you ask. "No." Harry says taking a swig from his beer. "No?" you question. "No, I won't. I'm having a good time and I don't need you ruining my mood." You stare at Harry for a couple of seconds shocked by his attitude. Not wanting to put up with it any further you gather your things. "I'm leaving." You say standing up. "Why?" he asks confused. "So I don't ruin your fucking mood." You tell him rolling your eyes, "I'm not going to stay here any longer and continue to have you treat me like shit in front of all of your friends." You walk away from him and his friends still fuming and completely embarrassed from your outburst but you couldn't help it; you were never one to let someone treat you badly. "(Y/N), wait." Harry called after you, grabbing your arm and pulling you back. "I'm sorry for being such a prick. I haven't seen my friends in a while and I got so caught up in it all. I know that's no excuse for the way I treated you and I really am sorry." You sigh and look anywhere but Harry's eyes knowing that if you did, you'd instantly forgive him. Harry sighed and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead in the process. "I'm sorry." He whispers again. You sigh and pull away from him, "Okay." You sigh. "Okay?" he questions with a small smile. "Okay you're forgiven but you're buying me ice cream." Harry smiled widely, "I can do that."

Niall: You and Niall decided to enjoy the nice weather and go to town and just walk around. There had been a couple of fans following you guys around all day but you tried your best to ignore them. When you two decided to stop in Nando's for some lunch a few of the fans followed and sat at a table near you two. You don't mind when fans stop you guys on the street to get pictures but following you around was going a bit far and you couldn't help but become fed up with it. You and Niall could barely make conversation as you ate since fans were so close and you didn't want to divulge anything too personal in fear that they could hear. Just when you two were finishing up your lunch a couple of fans approached the table asking for pictures and autographs. Before Niall could say anything you spoke up, "Girls, we're in the middle of lunch. Can't you wait until after we've finished before coming up to us?" you ask. "We don't mind you asking for pictures but come on, we're eating." The girls seem defeated as they begin to back away but Niall stops them, "(Y/N) shut up, it's not a big deal. Come on girls let's take a quick picture, yeah? Don't listen to her, she's just grumpy today." The girls look unsure to whether to listen to you or Niall but finally Niall gets up and takes a picture with them. Of course this causes more and more fans to approach you both. Being fed up with the crowd of girls you gather your things and begin walking away. You made it half way back to your flat when Niall catches up to you. "Please stop walking!" he pleads. "Don't you have fans to be hanging out with?" you ask. "I don't want to hang out with them; I want to hang out with you." "Really?" you ask spinning around to face him. "Because it didn't seem like that back in Nando's. Oh wait I'm just being grumpy maybe you should ignore me." Niall sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "Look I'm sorry okay? You're my girlfriend and I love spending time with you and their fans and I love spending time with them too. I don't want to disappoint them." "I know that Niall but we were eating and then you decided to treat me like shit in front of them. It's going to be everywhere." You say pouting. "I'll take care of it. I'm sorry baby, I really am." You sigh and forgive him knowing there is no use in being upset for long, "But Niall you need to learn when it's okay to hang out with your fans and when it's not." You tell him gently to which he just nods, agreeing with you.

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