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"Have those containers searched and have all weapons loaded!" Krell yelled, "We need to get ready to move out in twelve hours! We're advancing on the capital." Krell said, "Sir, shouldn't we try to coordinate our attack? Especially in the light of the recent attack General Kenobi told us about." Rex said, "General Kenobi has his hands full, same as us. We need to throw everything we have at them and now!" Krell said, "We'd be marching into a blast zone sir." Rex said, suddenly a bomb went off nearby, "I realize you haven't agreed with all of my strategies, Captain, but you are smart enough and loyal enough to obey my orders. Now prep those troops!" Krell yelled at him, Natalia could sense Rex was about to snap at any moment. Natalia placed her hand on Rex's shoulder, "It'll be okay, Rex. Just follow orders, I know this whole thing will turn in our favor, he'll get what he deserves soon enough, don't worry." She told him, he nodded and the two went to prep the troops. They walked into the hangar and told Fives what was happening.

"Those missiles have a hundred mega-ton yield! We won't even make it to the Delta!" Fives said, "What can I do? I've tried to reason with him! General Schulter has tried to reason with him! Those are the orders." Rex said, "Great, another suicide mission." Jesse said, "The capital is too well armed." He said, "Why does it seem he's out for clones?" Another clone asked, "I think you're all overreacting, obviously General Krell knows what he's doing. Do you really think he doesn't care if he loses men?" A clone asked, "I'm not saying that, but I do think his desire for victory is blinded him that the fact there are lives at stake." Jesse said, "I've never seen a General with this amount of casualties." Jesse explained. "The General is out of control! He is not acting like the other Jedi! He has no respect for us." Fives voiced his concerns, Natalia nodded in agreement, "Listen, I don't agree with him either, but I don't have a better plan." Rex said, "What about using these star fighters to destroy the supply ship?" Fives asked, "We've been trying, the Umbarans have it as protected as the capital." Rex said, "Buuut we have their access codes and their hardware." Fives, "You were able to crack it?" Natalia asked, her eyes lit up with hope. "Mhm, we can sneak right past their blockade." Fives said as he punched Jesse. "And get their ships canned." He said while cracking his knuckles.

"We take out that supply ship then we cut off arms to the capital." Natalia said to Rex, he looked up and smiled at the thought of victory. "General Schulter and I will bring it up to General Krell." Rex said. Rex and Natalia walked into the command center and saw General Krell looking at a map of the capital. "Sir, with all due respect, might I suggest another option to help us secure the capital?" Rex asked, "What would that be, Captain?" Krell asked Rex, "Our men have cracked the Umbaran codes, so we can sneak past the supply ship defenses and we take it out and we cut off the arms to the capital." Rex said. "And who did you propose would fly these star fighters? Are your troops now pilots?" Krell asked, "My men may not be pilots sir, but they are able to learn and adapt. Quickly. A few of them have already demonstrated that." Rex said. "I'm afraid I cannot afford to waste any clones on silly adventures, we're going to need everyone to take the capital." Krell said, "I'm a pilot." Natalia piped up, "Oh okay, sure, like you can take out that supply ship by yourself, you could barely take an airbase." He insulted Natalia, she lowered her shoulders and stopped talking. "Sir incoming! Long range delta missiles!" One of the clones yelled.

Krell and Natalia walked to the window and saw the missiles blow up on the ground. "I think that was just a warning." Natalia told him, he nodded and narrowed his eyes, Natalia and Rex ran to their troops. They walked into the barracks and looked at each other, "The assault on the capital will continue as planned." Rex said, "So that's it? We just march into those missiles?" Jesse asked, "But there's another option!" Fives said, "We go ahead with our plan and suffer the consequences." Fives explained, "You would be court marshalled!" Natalia yelled, "If it were up to me, if we had the time and the training I would say do it, but it's out of my hands and the truth is you are no pilots." Rex explained to Fives, Natalia sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Come on! If Hardcase can fly one of these things we all can!" Jesse said, "Yeah, he wasn't really flying, more like avoiding crashing. We'll be blasted out of the sky before we get anywhere." One of the clones said. "Not if we're in there fighters. No one's gonna be shooting at us." Fives said, Jesse coughed as the door opened, "Here comes Dogma." He said, "What is going on?" He asked as he walked into the room, "Nothing." One of the clones said as he raised his eyebrow, Dogma glared at him, Rex and Natalia stood up and walked out of the room. "This about more than following orders!" Fives said from behind them, "It is. It's about honor." Rex said, "Where is the honor in marching blindly to our deaths?!" Fives asked, "It is not our call, we're part of something larger, we're not independent of one another!" Rex yelled, "I'm sorry! I'm not going to follow orders when I know they're wrong!" Fives yelled, "Especially when lives are at stake!" He continued, "You will if you support the system we fight for!" Rex said as he shoved Fives, "I do support it! I do! But I am not just another number! None of us are!" Fives shouted as he turned back to the door. "Fives! Where are you going?!" Natalia yelled.

"To round up some pilots."

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