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Rex stood there and watched Fives walk back inside, but he decided not to do anything. "I think it's a brilliant plan, I'm not gonna lie." Natalia said, Rex nodded. "Go get some rest, Captain. We have things to do in the morning." She told Rex, he nodded and headed to his quarters, she checked to make sure he was gone and she ran to the hangar. "General, there's nothing to see here." Fives greeted her, "Move, ARC trooper." She commanded, "I'm in on your plan." She said. Fives sighed in relief and let her through. She saw Jesse attempting to fly a fighter but he couldn't get it off of the ground, Fives ran over to the control pad and pushed some buttons, "There, that should make it a bit easier." He said, suddenly the fighter lifted off of the ground. Fives looked up proudly at Jesse as he tried to maintain control of the fighter. Hardcase on the other hand was having problems, he kept bumping into things and was completely out of control. "Hardcase what are you doing?!" Natalia yelled at him. "Great, this can't get much worse." Fives said as he leaned on the control panel, the alarm was going off now and Natalia was surprised the whole base wasn't awake. "Trooper what is going on?!" Krell yelled through the transmitter, "Uh, we're in control, nothing has happened, just a safety drill." Fives said, "Safety check occurs at 0600! Who authorized this drill?!" Krell yelled, "Uh... Uh, General Schulter authorized it." He lied, Natalia shot Fives a quick glare. "Who is this?! What is your CT number?!" Krell yelled, "No! Hardcase!" Natalia yelled, Hardcase had triggered an explosive and it was going for the door, the bomb left the fighter but Natalia used the Force to stop it, but Fives accidentally backed into her, making her release the bomb, she covered her ears as it exploded.

"We're screwed." Natalia said quietly, Fives nodded in agreement. "What?! Are you crazy?! You could have gotten us killed! Let alone fly this mission!" Natalia shouted at Hardcase, "It's a malfunction, no harm done." Hardcase said. "Explain this! Now!" Krell yelled, Rex was behind him. "Sir, we were decrypting the enemy craft when what appears to be an enemy booby trap went off." Hardcase lied, "A booby trap?" Krell asked, totally not believing the story, "Yes, sir." Hardcase said. "The fighter went haywire and if I hadn't been able to get control of it and aim the missile at the doors, something worst could've happened." Hardcase said, "Is this true, General Schulter?" Krell asked, "Uh... Yes sir, that is exactly what happened." Natalia lied, Rex narrowed his eyes at Natalia, totally not believing her. "Captain Rex, it looks like I was correct. The Umbaran fighters are dangerous and aren't fit for flight." Krell said, "But sir, we now know how they work. We just need practice!" Hardcase said. But Krell was starting to get angry, "Lock down these fighters! I don't want anything else exploding!" Krell told Fives and Hardcase, Natalia and Rex looked at the two and Rex walked away. "Good job, now we know how to fly them, but we can't get near them!" Fives said, "That won't stop us, it's just procedure, we'll just sneak in and Krell won't suspect a thing." Hardcase said, suddenly Jesse walked in on the conversation clapping his hands, "Good job, I thought the plan was to destroy the supply ship. Not blow up our own hangar." He said as he shoved Hardcase.

"Look, I agree we should go through with this, so are you three volunteering to be my pilots or what?" Fives asked, "I'm in, regardless of the consequences." Hardcase said with a smile, "Flying these fighters beats blindly walking into a bunch of missiles so I'm in." Jesse said, "General?" Fives asked, "This is severely going against protocol and orders, and I don't normally do that, but I'm in. I'm not flying though, I need to stay down here. But I'll help you as much as I can." Natalia said while crossing her arms. "We just need a plan." She said, "Alreeeeady got one!" Fives said, Natalia smirked at Fives' enthusiasm. "General Skywalker blew up a droid control ship when he was just a kid, he told me the trick. It's hitting the main reactor from the inside." Fives explained, Natalia nodded in agreement, "That won't be so tough." Hardcase said, "Let's go." Natalia said, the three clones nodded.

They walked outside and went to find Rex's platoon, "Fives? What are you doing out here? You should be in the barracks." Rex told Fives, "I found my pilots, we're going after that supply ship." Fives told him, Rex took off his helmet and stared at them, "Are you out of your mind? It's a suicide mission. Not to mention against orders." Rex said, "It's the right thing to do. Plus it isn't against orders." He said, Natalia showed up and stood in front of Fives, "Because I've ordered them to do it." She said. Rex sighed and looked at Natalia, "I can't believe you are going through with this." He said, "If you're going to try and stop us, we need to know." She said, Rex sighed and looked Natalia in the eyes, "I can't help them when they get caught." He said, Natalia looked at Fives, "I understand, sir." Fives said while nodding. Fives went to the back of the group and they started walking away, "Coming, General?" He asked, she looked at Rex who gave her a pleading look and back at Fives.

"I'm sorry, Rex. I've got to let them do this." 

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