Chapter 1

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The mysterious boy in Great Britain

In the Phantomhiv manor, Ciel was in his office reading the letter from his majesty the queen she sent him a letter about Jack The Ripper roaming around town at plain sight.  Till he heard a knock at his door he looked up and says "Come in" the door opened and it was his butler.

With his hair is like a raven's feather and his eyes are a shade of red like a devil's eye bringing his young master his afternoon tea, he looked at his Butler when he put his tea cup and pour his tea

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With his hair is like a raven's feather and his eyes are a shade of red like a devil's eye bringing his young master his afternoon tea, he looked at his Butler when he put his tea cup and pour his tea.  The butler looked at him "is something the matter my young lord?" He said "no" Ciel looked at the window seeing the clouds with no sun to shine "hmph" the young earl still looked at the window and said "looks like it's gonna rain today."  The butler looked at his young master he cleared his throat and told his master to excuse himself to speak to him "my lord sorry to interrupt, but-" his words stopped till they heard a knock in their front door.

Ciel looked at Sebastian "open the door Sebastian" he bowed saying yes my young lord and left his office to go open the door, he goes downstairs to the main entrance and hears another knock but a louder bang to the door he opened the door and see a boy holding a book, two rings of a skull, with his black tie, his eyes are pure gold, and three white stripes.

He can feel the boy's soul like a human but, with the reaper's power surrounding him till he heard his master coming to him "Sebastian who is it on the door?" The butler looked back at him saying their is a boy at your door my lord

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He can feel the boy's soul like a human but, with the reaper's power surrounding him till he heard his master coming to him "Sebastian who is it on the door?" The butler looked back at him saying their is a boy at your door my lord.  Ciel goes to his door and saw a boy, he flustered a little he clears his throat and asked him "what are you doing here at my manor?" The boy replied "I'm here for an investigation of the Kishin" the young earl looked at him suspespous "who sent you here in London?" With his tone turn to anger.  The boy replied "My father sent me here in solo mission," Ciel still has a lot of questions to ask him but the butler asked him his name politely.  "My name is Death The Kid and soon I'll take my father's place someday...and I need a place to stay for the night..."

Ciel and Sebastian looked at each other, then look back at Kid "you may come in and stay here for the night" said the young Earl, he smiled a little and enters the manor.  The butler looked at his young master and smirked at him "I can sense you have a feeling at your guest my lord" Ciel looked at him angry with his face turn red "s-shut up you demon!" Then he turn back at kid and see his expression to a surprise when he saw his manor, Ciel smiled at him without him seeing him smiling, right at him, and speaks quietly so he can't hear him say it
"I think I'm in love with you...Death The Kid."

End of Chapter 1

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End of Chapter 1

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