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The idiot finally asked me!

I know I know. I didn't think I would fall quickly but within the first two weeks of him confessing his love I was already in deep. I was wait my constantly, but I had eventually thought he was going to. Given up even.

Then he goes to surprise me!

We sat on a bench waiting for the parade to start. I leaned my head on his shoulder, tracing shapes on his palm. I felt him kiss my head and I smiled. I looked up at him.

His cheeks were pink. I giggled and poked them.

He looked away his cheeks turning a darker shade of red. Although it was harder to tell now that it had gotten dark.

The parade began and we both stood.

He held my hand and we watched in awe as the many glowing floats passed.

Suddenly I was turned to face Natsu. He held my chin. His eyes looked down at my lips. He looked back at me.

I nodded and we slowly inched toward each other.

I felt my whole body tingle in a strange but pleasing way. Like adrenaline was injected into my body when our lips touched. Our lips moved in a perfectly synchronized motion.

When we pulled apart, our eyes never left. I smiled and he did as well.

"You're beautiful." He whispered his thumb rubbing my face."

I giggle." You aren't so bad yourself."

He made a pained expression." Ouch. You wound me."

"Good." She laughed.

We continued to watch the parade and ended up going to his place.

Today was a a good day. I couldn't wait to see what else it held..

Too bad it wouldn't last for long.

Fame//NaLuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz