Final argument

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AN: I have no idea what I'm doing I thought I'd try my hand at writing. I am in no way a professional, please remember that while reading leave any constructive criticism in the comments if you wish. with that said i hope you enjoy

I never would have married you had I known what it would cause I yell, a heavy silence following my words. All the pain and heartbreak could have been avoided if I had just... no I cut the the the thought off before I lose my nerve, things were different then we were happy maybe even in love. I take a deep breath steeling myself for what must come next, I'm leaving you I say a feeling of dread knotting my stomach and sapping my strength as I wait for his reaction. A hurt look crosses his features, we can work this out I'll change he says in a voice so quite I can barely hear it. Burning like liquid fire starts in my chest as I remember all the other times he claimed he would "change." No, you won't. it's over I say picking up my bags and walking out the door into a brighter better future

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