Pillow Fight

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"As if you care!" I called back. His face hardened into a glare.

"You're right. It doesn't matter to me one bit if you have a death wish and insist on conversing with those who would like nothing more than to kill you," he said sarcastically and crossed his arms over his chest. Mendriataura said nothing. My whole body boiled with rage.

"Shut up you bloody git! You don't even know what you're talking about!" I shouted. His face flushed deep scarlet as he strode over to us. He seized both of my arms roughly and snarled in my face.

"You need to learn your place. Detention for the rest of the day!" he turned his smoldering dark eyes on Lynx. "Go. Now!" she shot me a sympathetic look before racing off to castle. Unfortunately it was only two in the afternoon on a Saturday so detention for the rest of the day could be a rather long time.

I waved to Mendriataura as Severus dragged me roughly away from the Lake. She inclined her head in acknowledgement and slipped beneath the water's surface. Severus didn't speak until we made it all the way through his classroom to his office. He slammed the door and rounded on me furiously.

"I will not tolerate being spoken to in such a way by anyone Miss Fellston, much less a student!" he bit out harshly. I glared at him evenly. I was proud that I didn't flinch under the weight of his presence like I once would have.

"And I won't have you ignoring me," I said with venom in my voice. He growled and shoved both hands through his hair in a frustrated gesture.

"It's for both of our own goods!" he yelled actually raising his voice a bit. Then he pinched the bridge of his nose like I'd seen him do before.

"I don't believe that!" I stood firm, toe to toe with the Potions Master. Merlin, how it made me shiver!

"Insolent Girl, why must you make things so difficult? Don't you know the Merfolk are a dreadful lot to associate with? They take great pleasure in drowning foolish young girls who get too close," his tone had changed to one a bit more caring; extremely angry, but caring. I sighed and held my right palm out for him to see.

"I know their customs fairly well, Severus. I have been made an honorary mermaid by decree of their queen herself," I explained. His eyes flashed and he took my hand roughly. He examined the scale closely before releasing me.

"I have never heard of such a thing. We must go to Dumbledore and consult him," he said suspiciously. The fire was gone from his voice now.

"I had intended to ask him about it myself," I told him. He stared at me for a long moment.

"You still have to serve your detention," he said leading me through the potions room. I smirked.

"That's fine. You were being a git so I got detention," I shrugged. He rounded on me furiously. I glowered at him from under my eyelashes. He looked like he was about to say something, but instead he brushed a lock of my hair out of my eyes. I blushed.

"I tried to make you understand," he said quietly, "but you can't so let's drop this." I agreed sadly, and we headed to Dumbledore's office. We ascended the spiral staircase and entered the circular office.

"Ahh Severus, Isabella," Dumbledore nodded to us in turn. "To what do I owe this visit?" he smiled warmly. Severus drew me into the room with a hand on my back and made me sit in the chair across from Dumbledore.

"It has come to my attention," Severus began, "that Miss Fellstone here has befriended the Merfolk in the Black Lake." My chest vibrated with the deepness of his voice right behind me. Dumbledore's eyes widened.

Descendant of Merlin (Severus Snape) Book 1: Anger and AweWhere stories live. Discover now