Chapter One

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Hannah looked out over the beach with a small smile and leaned back on her elbows to absorb the Sun's rays. It was rare there was Sun at all but today had been uncharacteristically warm for LaPush.

"What are you doing up here?" Her younger brother asked and she smiled and patted the place beside her. He took it and looked down over the cliff before swallowing.

"It's the best view of the beach," Hannah promised him and he looked out over the horizon and smiled happily.

"Dad will be out all evening which means he's gonna miss the game." Collin frowned and Hannah gave him a sad smile.

"He's probably just as sad as you are about it," Hannah promised and kissed her brother's forehead. Their father had been joining the search parties for Sam Uley.

The boy had gone missing the last couple of days and the small Reservation had been inconsolable. Sam was the golden boy, a direct descendant of one of the elders, one of the star athletes and to top it all off he had a perfect relationship too.

Leah Clearwater had been a mess the last couples of days. She had made herself sick from crying and her family wouldn't let her take part in the search parties so she hung about the beach and the diner looking like death.

"He won't let me search for Sam." Collin pouted and Hannah laughed and ruffled his hair before kissing the top of his head.

"You're too young, the forests are confusing and the last thing anyone needs while they're out looking is to lose you," Hannah told him and he huffed to show how happy he was with that.

"I could find Sam myself. I bet you." He said and Hannah laughed and nodded.

"Maybe you could but I'm not going to give you a chance. Now, let's go home and I'll make some dinner." Hannah smiled and stood up from the edge of the cliff she had been sitting on.

Collin followed her with a sigh and the pair of them followed the trail through the woods that led back down the cliff and onto the beach.

"When I'm older I'm going to know these woods off by heart and I'll be known as the protector of the town," Collin promised and Hannah smiled happily.

"Who knows, maybe one day you'll be a wolf like in the legends and you'll protect the whole tribe," Hannah said and his eyes grew wide.

"You really think so?" Collin asked and Hannah smiled. Of course, she didn't but she wasn't ready for him to lose his wonder and awe.

"Well if there's ever going to be wolves again then why not you, huh?" She asked and he smiled to himself.

"I'm going to be a huge wolf and I'll have gray fur and I'll growl at all the vampires. Grr." He said and Hannah laughed. The pair walked along the road until they reached their small bungalow and Hannah let them in.

"Can I be a wolf for Halloween?" Collin asked and Hannah rolled her eyes. His Halloween outfit changed every day.

"You can't keep changing your mind or I won't have time to get your outfit." She laughed and he sighed and lifted himself up onto a stool at the kitchen island.

"Which is better, a wolf or Frankenstein's monster?" Collin asked and Hannah tilted her head from side to side as she thought about it.

"How about I tell you the legends tonight and the story of Frankenstein's monster tomorrow night and then we decide?" Hannah asked and Colling nodded eagerly.

"Will you tell the Third Wife legend?" He asked and Hannah nodded and she searched through the cupboards for pasta.

"You like that one, don't you?" Hannah asked and he nodded his head happily.

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