Three Empty Words [1]

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- I love you, there I said it

Owen came towards her and kissed her, "That's all I wanted to hear".

One of their pagers went off

Cristina: Shit it's Teddy, I really gotta go

Owen: No, stay with me

Cristina: Owen I can't, I really gotta go there might be a surgery of some sort!

Owen: Okay, I'll see you later then

She ran out and Owen closed the vent's door, all he could think about was her, he couldn't stop thinking about the future they'll have together and everything she made him feel. He hadn't been this happy since before Iraq and now it was a whole new life starting.

Cristina got to the patient's room, it was the victim of a car crash who had many cardiac arrests in the past 2 weeks and has to get a transplant, they'd found a heart for her.

Teddy: So Ms. Roberts, we're gonna have to start prepping you for your surgery, your new heart is coming soon. Dr. Yang please start prepping her

Cristina: Of course Dr. Altman

Cristina started taking out her medicine to bring her to the OR when a child with an old lady came in the room, it was the patient's (Mellie) son with her mother

Mellie: Hi Theo

Theo: Hi Mommy, I missed you

He tried to get on the bed but Cristina had to stop him

Cristina: I'm so sorry but you can't go on the bed because we're bringing your mom to get her new heart

Theo: Is my mom gonna die

Cristina: No, but we really need to go now, I'm sorry

Mellie: It's okay, honey go with grandma to get something to eat, I'll be fine

The kid and the grandma left the room and Cristina brought the patient to the OR, to start her surgery.

Owen walked into the ER, where Meredith and April were waiting

Owen: Take a trauma and come with me

They waited for the ambulance and brought in the gurney, a 6 years old kid who had fallen off a roof

Owen: Page Ortho and Pediatric

Meredith: Are you sure we don't need a head CT?

Owen: We can do one ourselves, just page Ortho and Peds

Arizona and Callie arrived and just said that the kid had a broken femur. When they were done with the surgery Owen checked on the board if Cristina was out of her surgery. He saw Derek and Mark and went to see them.

Owen: Hey

Derek: Hey Owen, where are you going?

Owen: I'm gonna go pick up Cristina

Derek: I'm gonna come with you I need to tell Meredith something

Mark: Okay bye guys

Mark left and they both walked to the resident's locker room

Meredith: Hey, what are you guys doing here?

Derek: I have Izzie's scans

Alex: Did I hear Izzie's scan?

Derek: Yeah look the cancer cells have shrinkend and they're only a few left

Meredith: Finally, she's gonna be cancer free

Meredith started coughing

Cristina: Are you okay?

Meredith: Yeah, I think I catched this flu or something

Derek: I think it's better if you go home tonight

Meredith: Yeah okay goodnight guys

Her and Alex left the go to the cars and Cristina changed

Cristina: You're going home with me tonight?

Owen: Yeah

They kissed and went to Cristina's apartment. Cristina opened the door and found a bra on the floor

Owen: Whose is that?

Cristina: Oh my god, Callie...she never cleans up her stuff when Arizona is here

Owen: It's fine, are you hungry?

Cristina: Not really, let's go watch something and relax, I'm tired

They went to Cristina's room and turned on the TV. At around 3am Cristina was about to fall asleep when Owen had a not-very-good idea

Owen: Let's get married

She stood up and looked at him

Cristina: No, what, you're not serious right, we've been really together for about 5 months.

Owen: We've known each other for over a year now

Cristina: Owen that's crazy

Owen: Are you afraid of commitment?

Cristina: No

Owen: Look, Meredith and Derek got married, Izzie and Alex got married

Cristina: Yeah so what, these are things that happen

Owen: Okay, I get it you're not a person who gets married but eventually you're gonna wanna do it, because you love me and I love you

Cristina: We'll see

She put her head on his chest and fell asleep.

    Meredith: What do you mean he wants to get married

Cristina: He said let's get married, of course I said that it was way too early but he wants to marry me

Meredith: Wow *cough*

Cristina: How are you?

Meredith: Not good, I keep coughing and I have a fever and I keep throwing up and my head aches and I wanna kill myself

Cristina: I'll come see you tonight

Meredith: Okay see you

Cristina: Bye

She flushed the toilet and came out of the bathroom, Callie and Owen were eating breakfast in the kitchen

Callie: Who were you talking to in there

Cristina: I wasn't talking

Owen: You were on the phone with Meredith right?

Cristina: Whatever

Callie: Of course she was

They started laughing and Cristina rolled her eyes

Cristina: Okay I'm going to the hospital, bye

She kissed Owen and left

Callie: So you asked her to marry you and she said no, that's rough

Owen: She's not gonna say no forever, I just gotta keep trying

Callie: You're that desperate

Owen: No I just want her that bad

You're the Love of my Life [crowen fanfic #2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon