Where are YOU from?

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Hey guys, so I know that the story is on hold, but I wanted to know where all of you are from.

I can currently see that there are around 28 countries around the world altogether... although I kinda wanted to hear from you's. I've always wanted to travel around everywhere and maybe one day I'll end up coming to your country (Probably not soon... but I'm sure I will one day in the future).

In the comments let me know where your from! I want to hear from you and not rely on Wattpad to tell me where my beautiful readers are from!

P.S. Were SOO close to 40K reads! Can we try get to 50K before my birthday? (It's May 20th) It would hoestly be the best gift anyone could buy.

Let me know in the comments! Love you all!

- Jade (The worst author :{ )

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