Chapter 22: Unsupervised

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The back door is thrown shut with the force of pure anger. Brandy doesn't hide the fact that she is pissed off right now. She hates being lied to and it seems that Harrison Kringe has done nothing but lie since their first encounter. She feels betrayed and taken advantage of. Once again Brandy's gut instincts have let her down. She begins to doubt her abilities when it comes to judging others character. At the moment, she feels unworthy of even being called a detective.

Harrison sits humbly behind the glass looking out of the back door window like the despicable criminal he is. Brandy looks at Harrison through the transparent layer between them, her top lip curled and her eyebrows forced downward. The most disgusting sneer she can manage to create glares back at her through the reflection in the glass. He sickens her. She turns her back to him.

The whole ordeal hadn't gone down exactly as she had hoped, but what's done is done. She realizes the wrath that may ensue if her actions are brought to the attention of a defense attorney. She pulls her phone out and dials her partner.

Travis answers, "Page, I was just about to call you. We just got a lead on the Sheila Ducane murder."

"What'd you got?"

"An anonymous tip. This guy just called in, said he heard on the news last night that the body was dissolved in acid. He said he saw a suspicious guy in the hardware store couple days ago and he had a few gallons of acid in his cart. I got a unit headed to the hardware store now, we'll see if the video footage can confirm our hunch about your date."

Brandy can't help but sound excited, "I'm way ahead of you, Travis! I got him...I got that sick motherf-"

"Shut yo mouth! You got him? You got Mr. Smooth? Aww shit, it's party time Page!"

"Yup!" Brandy glances back to Harrison with a smirk on her face. "He's sittin in the back of my car as we speak."

"Damn, you quick...It hasn't been ten minutes since we talked."

Brandy doesn't dare tell Travis that she slept in her car outside of Harrison's house. "I was in the area...Anyway listen. I'm bringin him in shortly. I need to go have a little chat with his daughter first."

Ron wonders, "His daughter? You need back up?"

Brandy snickers, "No, she's five,...I think I can handle her."

"Alright, you call me when you're on your way."

"You got it, Travis."

"Hey, Page...Drinks are on me tonight."

Brandy smiles to herself, "You're damn right they are." She ends the call.

Brandy gets in her car and shuts the door. She peers through the rear view mirror at her prisoner. The evil in his eyes is undeniable, black with rage. Brandy doesn't even recognize him as the man she so recently sat across the dining table from. His piercing stare seems to drain the life from her the longer she keeps eye contact. She looks away.

She starts the car and Harrison suddenly breaks his silence.

"Wait! What about Abby? You can't just leave her here."

Brandy avoids looking at him, but she makes sure he can hear her, "No shit, asshole!" Then she throws the car into gear and pulls the vehicle up into the driveway.

Stopping the car, Brandy places it in park. She pulls her gun out and checks the magazine, it's full.

Harrison sees the gun and wonders, "What are you doing? What's the gun for?"

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