Chapter 39

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Melody's POV

Alec carries me into the hospital bridal style. I'm starting to wonder whether he notices I have working legs.

"Doc!" he shouts.

Everyone turns their attention towards us and bows their heads slightly. I hide my face in Alec's chest a little embarrassed at the situation.

I eventually move it so I can see again. Then I see a lady walking towards us. She must be a doctor, but she's not my doctor. I mean I've never seen her before. And I thought I knew everyone. I've been in this pack long enough to know most people by their faces. I suck at memorizing names.

She must have a high ranking because I can feel it oozing off of her.

She stops in front of us. A massive smile tugging on her lips.

"What did you do this time little bro?"

Alec looks shocked but quickly covers his facial expression.

"Diana? What are you doing here?"

"I'm vis- "

"wait little bro?" I ask cutting her off.

I look between the two of them utterly confused. Alec decides then it's the perfect time to put me on the ground. He scratches his neck awkwardly.

"Mel... I may have forgotten to tell you I have an older sister."

"You forgot?!" the two of us yell in unison.

Alec continues to scratch his neck and laughs awkwardly. I wave slightly.

"Hey I'm Mel, Nuckleheads mate."

"I'm Diana, Stupids older sister. And I happen to be a qualified doctor." she says bobbing her head in his direction.

"So what can I help you two with?" she asks lifting her brow and smirking.

"Well..." Alec said explaining what happens with the proposal. While doing so he pulls me closer to him and I hide my face in his chest out of embarrassment and because this is how I'm meeting my mates older sister.

Diana bursts out laughing once Alec finished explaining. She wiped away tears that formed in her eyes and leads us to a room where she could make sure I was alright.

I told her and Alec I was fine but they continued walking in the same direction ignoring me. I pout and cross my arms like a little child.

Alec notices, he wraps his arms around my waist and pull me towards him while chucking. He pecks my forehead and then my lips. He rubs his nose against mine.


He whispers while rubbing his nose against mine. We now stand outside a room. Diana opens the door and leads us inside.


I stare at the colourful walls that surround me. I'm currently sitting in a little hospital room tapping my foot with Alec.

Diana had just finished checking me out. Making sure I was okay. She said that my throat might be a little sore. So I should try to minimize my talking. That made me frown and Alec immediately knew why.

"Does that mean she can't sing either?

Alec grabbing my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"I'm afraid not, I want her to rest her voice for at least 3 days. If she can rest it for longer the better."

I nod.

"Will I need to spend the night at the hospital?"


"Yes" Alec says cutting his sister off.

She raises her eyebrows at him and he growls possessively.

She puts her hands on her hips daring him to do that again. He glares at her and pulls me into his lap. Playing with my hair.

Alec calms down and sighs.

"Sorry Diana. But I want Mel to stay here overnight. So that the doctors can monitor her voice. To make sure she's okay."

"Okay" she mutters.

"I'll book her in and tell another doctor to monitor her. Any preferences to a doctor?" she asks.

"Yes, I want the Pack doctor observing Mel."

"Your going to need to be more specific little bro. Which pack doctor, your Pack has five."

"And yours has ten. " he says pulling me closer if that's even possible.

"Ugh!" exaggerates Diana running a hand over her face.

"Stop being impossible Alec!"

"Okay fine. Doc Wilson must look after her I don't want the other Pack doctors monitoring her." Alec says sticking his tongue out at his sister.

"Hmm I wonder why?" she says tapping her chin.

"Maybe because they're all young males in their twenties."

Alec growls and Diana smirks. I pull Alec face to mine and kiss him hoping the sparks will calm him down.

Just then his phone rings. He lifts me up and puts me on the chair. Excusing himself he leaves to answer the call.

Before he's out the door I remind him to tell my brothers I'm here. Just so they know.

He nods giving me a small smile before closing the door. Leaving me with his big sister. I decide to attempt to make small talk with Diana.

"So why haven't I seen you around the pack before?"

She smiles lightly and turns her head toward me.

"I no longer live in this pack. I moved when I found my mate Alpha Justin of the Half Moon Pack. I'm here now with my family visiting my parents and siblings."

I nod but then realized she said she's here with her family.

"So your here with your mate and children?"

"Yes I'm here with Justin and our daughter Kimber."


I lay on a hospital bed while Alec sits next to me on a chair. I stare at the boring room while he typed vigorously on his phone. He dumps his phone on the hospital bed and sighs pulling at his hair.

Just then the door opens and in rushes twelve people. My brothers and Riley and Emma all looking worried.

Relief washes over their faces when they see I'm okay.

I smile brightly at them and they all look confused obviously because I'm in a hospital smiling like I won a million dollars.

I hold my left hand up so that they can see my engagement ring.

"I'm engaged!" I squeal out.

My brothers freeze while the girls jump up and down squealing with me. Alec tries to hide his face in a magazine and I'm brothers heads all turn towards him.

"Run" mutters Ashton who's eyes have darkened.

Alec doesn't think twice he jumps over the hospital bed and land right in front of the door. And he runs. He runs out of the hospital room and my brothers run after him.

They are chasing him around a hospital. I stand by the window and see Alec running out of the hospital but before he can get away Mase tackles him to the ground.

They pull him inside probably to scare the living daylights out of him. I chuckle and the girls and I chat about wedding arrangements.



So one more chapter before the epilogue. It looks like TAFM is finally coming to an end. (Wiping imaginary tears away)

I hope everyone has enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.



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