She's Beautiful When She Dances

841 48 13

After TLO
Before TLH

"Hey, young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a Phoenix"

Percy peeked his head around the corner, and saw his girlfriend singing along to the Fall Out Boy song. She was dancing around the cabin, her eyes closed, body in sync with the melody.

Percy stood in the doorway, mesmerized at the sight of her. It was only a feel weeks after the battle of Olympus, and Annabeth had been suffering with the stress of rebuilding Olympus, and healing her arm. It was rare to see Annabeth walking around camp with her Scowl™. She would snap at anyone, and once made someone cry.

To see her dancing around carelessly, brought joy to Percy. He hated seeing her this way, the bags under her eyes darker then ever. She only ever saw him during Capture The Flag, and even then they were on opposing teams.

Percy stepped into the cabin and pulled the teen girl to a stop and she opened her eyes, tense, then relaxing at the sight of him.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain. What's- hm!"

Percy kissed her, and she slowly melted into the kiss, running her fingers through Percy's hair. The couple pulled away after some time, and Annabeth stepped back, stunned just a bit.

"What was that for?" She asked teasingly.

"Am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?" He asked.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and hugged Percy, inhaling the smell of the sea he always carried with him. "Of course you are, Kelp Head."

A silence fell on them until Annabeth whispered, "I love you."

Percy smiled and repeated the words, " I love you too."

And in each other's arms, they swayed to the music, oblivious to the world.

And that's just how they liked it.

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