Part 1: Summary

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This is the summary from the story "Silence and Intterupted". This summary is based from my own words and thoughts. Enjoy it.

The story is about how one person diagnosed with a Bipolar Disorder. For who ever diagnosed with the same desease you don't have to be afraid. I know that Bipolar Disorder make the mental uncontrollable. So the people who diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder could be called crazy. So you don't have to be afraid to be called crazy. Because you are you and you control yourself. If there are a people who call you crazy just smile at them and said thank you. You can control yourself and I beleive that you are better than the normal people. So I will give you the key words. Don't be afraid if you been called crazy, freak, uncontrollable person and etc. Because you are better than them, you are smarter than them. So as I said before that you can control yourself. (In the next page I will show you the real diary from the woman that I like in entertainment AJ Lee aka AJ Brooks)

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