Part Thirteen

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A/N: So for those of you who saw the message about the witches, I decided not to put them in :p I figured that putting them in, meant that I was taking too much from LoZ and onot enough from my own imagination, you know what I mean? I want this story to be original, despite the fact that it's a fanfic, and I can't do that if I take too many characters and places from the original story or stories. Hope those of you who voted yes understand :) Oh, and this part is dedicated to ^ that guy 'cuz he has recently left me comments that made me smile, and I really appreciate that. It's you guys, and all the comments that make me want to write this story, so let me know what you think, even if you just have one or two words to say :) Peace, Love, and LoZ - B :)


Part Thirteen

The discovery of two instruments can cause a great deal of danger for you, for it seems that Ganondorf possesses one as well. He'll be able to use his instrument against you in ways you don't even know about yet. I fear you'll not be able to face him until you uncover the secrets of the Instrument of Separation.

You'll have to work fast, or I fear it may be too late. I really am sorry for the burden I've placed on your shoulders. It seems that your previous life may have succeeded in separating our souls had I not gotten myself into trouble, I may never have met you, even found out about you had it not been for my foolish mistakes. For that, I'm also sorry. You understand why I force myself to ask this of you, don't you?

Link nodded, he didn't blame her.

So, again, I must leave you to your quest. While you do your part, I'll try to help with mine by looking for your previous life. This won't be an easy task for me, as I do not bare a connection to the soul, so I may be unsuccessful in my task, but I'll do everything I can to help you, Link.

Again, Link nodded, and then he felt Zelda's soul fade from the wisp and the two were alone again.

They were silent for a moment, Link taking a moment to process the new information, then, finally, he spoke. "We should go. We need to get to the tower."

Lead the way. The wisp said simply.

Link did as she said, and they went silently. After turning two corners marked on the map, the wisp spoke up again.

Link, look. Up on the horizon.

He did, craning his neck to see over the tops of the trees. There, just above the treetops, the top of a gray stone tower rose up from the middle of the forest. It somehow looked out of place, the patch of gray in a sea of green, but looking closer, it also looked like it had somehow grown out of the dirt just like the trees around it had. It almost looked like it was natural, like it belonged there.

Let's get going. The wisp said. If we hurry we can make it by midday.

Link nodded, turning away from the tower and back to the path ahead. They had only a short ways to go, and they took the trip in silence, just listening to the eerie quiet of the forest that, like the tower, belonged there, but somehow it didn't at the same time.

They traveled the rest of the map without any conflict or conversation, only coming to a stop at the end of the route drawn on the map, just before an iron gate placed between two ends of an old stone wall that enclosed the tower before them.

Wrapped around the gate was a large, rusty chain, hooked together by a huge iron lock, with a keyhole big enough to fit a finger inside. Link reached out and took the lock in his hand, turning it over in his palm and tugging on it to see if it'd budge.

"Looks like you'll need this." A voice said from behind him. He turned to see yet another wood sprite, this one more similar to Adalane than Iredean and Jayrend were. She had a big iron key tucked into her fist as she looked at him. "I'm Vyrina. You’ve met my family already. You must be the hero everyone has been talking about."

"Link." He said.

"Oh, so that is your name. None of my people seemed to know what it was. I believe I've heard it before... but that was a long time ago." She shook her head. "I came to warn you."

"About what?" He asked.

"I believe my sister, Iredean, told you that time passed differently in these woods." Link nodded. "Then you know you've already been in here for days."


"Yes, and you don't have much time before the woods starts to try and take your soul. I'd say you have two weeks your time, tops. That means, by the time you see the sunrise twice, two weeks will have passed. You have to get out before then, Link. We don't want you, of all people, to end up like us."

He nodded in understanding.

"And, one more thing." She said. "I'd like to ask you a favor."

"What is it?"

"When my brother and sister, Jayrend and Solire, went inside the tower, only my brother came out. Solire is my twin sister, my best friend. If - if she's still alive in there... will you bring her back to me?"

"I'll do everything I can." He vowed, almost instantly.

"Thank you, Link." She laughed lightly. "It's a good thing you don't mind fixing everyone else's mistakes - helping people. A good hero would never pass up an opportunity to help, and I can tell you already posses that quality." He didn't say anything as she held the key out to him. "Here. My brother and sister and I will keep watch out here while you're inside. Please, come out alive, Link. We need you."

He nodded and took the key, putting it into the lock and turning it. After unhooking the lock from the chain, he dropped it to the ground and unwound the chain from the bar.

Link stepped forward cautiously and pushed on the gate making it swing open, the hinges protesting loudly. He walked into the clearing slowly, taking in his surroundings.

The bordering wall was at least fifteen feet high, the wall-towers on the corners a few feet higher than the rest, all of it spotted with moss and vines. The grass was fine and short; a dirt path wore into the ground from the gate to the gigantic tower that stood proudly and silently in the center of the clearing. The tower was made up of the same large gray stones as the wall, overgrown with green-gray vines. Set in the middle of the tower, above the door, were three triangles. There were windows that were at least three times taller than the door that stood at seven feet, stacked up four times. But something was off about the fourth story. All the windows that were in sight were bricked off with small stones.

He walked the path, and came to a stop at the door.

This is it Link. The wisp said. Just know, that whatever is on the other side of this door, you'll make it through this. You will.

Link took a moment to register what he was about to do, that so many people depended on him, and what he did in the tower.He had to find the sword. He had to find the flute piece. He had to look for Solire. He had to make it out alive. And he only had two days.

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