3. The originals

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I walked into the musty room slowly. My hands gripped the dark brown wood of the coffin. 'On three,' I thought.

One. Two. Three...

I opened the lid of the coffin and froze. Inside was a blonde girl with a dark red dress on. Her skin was grey and had dark veins all over. I noticed a dagger inside her chest, puncturing her heart.

I placed my hand over the dagger and began to pull it from the girls body.

"What do you think you're doing love?" A voice behind me asked.

I turned, but in a blur I was held against the wall, I looked into blue eyes that belonged to a cute guy with dirty blonde hair.

"I-I...." I tried explaining. Tried being the operative word.

He stepped back and pushed the dagger back into the girl.

"W-who is she?" I asked, frightened.

"My sister. You don't wanna wake her, she's a feisty little thing," He replied with a smirk. "Now tell me who you are and why you're in my house," He demanded.

"My name is Victoria Frey, please call me Tori. I came here to find the originals for help. I need to know if my ex boyfriend, Alexander, is still alive. If he is, I'm sure he's been chasing me for the last five hundred years. I ran away after he turned me and I will need protection. Are you an original?" I asked after rambling a bit.

"Yes. Yes I am. I'm Niklaus Mikaelson, call me Klaus," He said. "Now I'm gonna wake up my siblings and make them go out for a bit. I'll get Elijah, my brother to find out if Alexander is alive. Go wait in the living room," He told me.

I did as I was told.


Eventually Klaus walked back.

"My siblings will be back soon. We all agreed on protecting you until we find find out if Alexander is alive. But Rebekah was tricky. She said she would only protect you if you do something for her," Klaus explained.

"Go on," I said fearing the next words.

"She wants you to Kidnap this boy for her. Matt Donovan. Young, blonde hair, blue eyes. He works at mystic grill. Bring him here and Rebekah will help protect you," He said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"She really likes the boy, but apparently he's not overly keen on her," He explained, amused.

"Okay fine. But only cause this is important," I said frowning.


I strode into mystic grill with my head held high. I walked into the toilets which was part of my plan and stayed for two minutes and then walked out.

I casually walked up to the bar and ordered a glass of bourbon whiskey.

I noticed the guy who served me looking just like the description of the matt gut Rebekah was after.

Short blonde hair, dreamy blue eyes.

"Hey, are you Matt?" I asked the blonde boy.

Klaus had told me about all the people I would need to know in Mystic falls. He also told me this plan to help kidnap Matt here.

"Uh, yeah. Who's asking?" He eyed me warily.

"Sorry. I'm Tori, your friend Elena asked me to tell you to meet her over by the toilets," I lied easily. Hiding for the last half a millennium taught me some things.

"Oh okay, thanks," He smiled. I gave a smile back, although mine was more of a sorry smile.

He walked over to the toilets with me trailing close behind.

Once he walked in, I followed.

"Elena, are you in here?" Matt called out.

After finding she wasn't in there he turned, coming face to face with me. He looked utterly confused.

"I'm sorry Matt," I said, before grabbing his head and slamming it into the wall, knocking him unconscious.

With vampire strength, I was just able to lift him and push him out the window. Let's just say, even though it's a one story building, he'll wake up battered and bruised.

Once me and Matts limp body were outside, I dragged him through the alleyway, unnoticed. It was pretty dark outside, but I was still cautious. I pushed him into my car and hopped in myself.


Arriving at the Mikaelsons, I pulled matt by his arms to the front door. I knocked on the wood and waited. Klaus answered.

"Ah, a kidnapping done in record time," He smirked.

He opened the door as I dragged Matts unconscious body through and into the hall, just as Rebekah appeared.

"Thank you for that Tori. For that I will protect you with my brothers," She said, pulling Matts body into a different room.

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

"Right, there's a room made up for you upstairs, the end of the hall, you won't miss it, goodnight," Klaus told me before climbing the stairs.

"Goodnight," I replied back, now noticing my exhaustion.

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