Chapter 30

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A/N: This chapter takes place the night before last chapter's :)


It was getting late, and the assassin lay on the flat grassy surface that was at least a mile away from the camping group. She kept her eye on her scope, her targets sitting around their heat source. Widowmaker wasn't going to shoot them, but rather, to observe. Because hey, when you're in the middle of the forest, there's no drama. But since Widowmaker is the cause of the drama...

After observing for two more hours, Widowmaker watches the group soon fall asleep, though Sombra offers to keep watch.

"Foolish decision," Widowmaker whispered to herself.

Widowmaker hasn't slept since they left HQ. After they left the area, she decided to watch the group and analyze their movements. And so she did. Day after day, night after night. It was thanks to the abnormality of her heart. However, her heart has been...dysfunctional lately.

That is, if dysfunctional meant her heart suddenly increased from its usual pace of at least two beats per minute, then yes, her heart was dysfunctional.

But she knows.

She knows why it's happening. And she's sure it's not because she's been missing out on her reconditioning schedule.

True love's kiss?

The mere thought of it makes her laugh.

I think the fuck not.

Widowmaker is in so deep thought that an alert from her headgear crudely snaps her back to reality. Out of reflex, she answers without thought. And at that moment, Widowmaker realizes that she has never done anything she regrets so badly until now.

"Hello, Widow," The grim voice, always so menacing, greets.

"What do you want?" She snaps in an attempt to irritate him, but instead received a cold chuckle that would make any brave person feel a chill in their spine.

"You're always so straight to the point. But before that, I see you and your Romeo seem it be hitting it off quite well, hm?"

This makes Widowmaker's jaws clench so tight that her teeth begins to ache. Once more, she asks. "What do you want?"

It seems as though Reaper has decided that the niceties are long gone now, because his humor is no longer found in his next words.

"Kill them."

For a split second, one of Widowmaker's eyebrows raise up in surprise, but soon she was able to recover. "Or?"

"Bring them back to me."

"What about Sombra?"


"Playing favorites, Gabe?" She presses further in an attempt to stall, but Reaper wasn't having it.

"Never call me that."


"I'm not finished," Reaper adds, making Widowmaker groan in annoyance, "Kill them, but there's a catch."


"I am not playing your games," Widowmaker hisses.

"You have no choice, anyways. Kill your precious Romeo...or kill Sombra's Juliet."

"Why do you assume that I care which one? Why not both?" Widowmaker questions.

"But where's the fun in that?"

"Sombra's gonna be pissed."

"Like you care," Reaper says, "Be careful, Widowmaker. Your humanity's showing."

And the line went dead.

A/N: Y'alls, I am so sorry it's been awhile. Yesterday I was halfway done with the chapter but it didn't freaking save and I'm just really done. So basically, I just summarized the whole damn thing.

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