Chapter 2: Graduation

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"And then they say that they are my family and all that other crap." Naruto said in an angry tone as he was laying down on Satsuki's lap in the shade of a tree nearby their house. Satsuki stroked his jet black hair as she listened. This became a hobby of hers after that incident with the Iwa shinobi. They would often get in this position and talk about there day and stuff or they would just sit and enjoy each other's company.

"Are you going to forgive them?" She asked softly as she moved his hair out of his face. Naruto just frowned.

"No. Not yet at least. They abandoned me." He said as he switched to a more comfortable position. He looked up at Satsuki and a quick blush spreading across his face. Satsuki had a pony tail that went to he mid back that was set over her shoulder. Her bangs were swept to the side where she could see.

She had on a plain white shirt with a dark blue jacket on with the zipper unzipped with the Uchiha clan crest on the back. She had on a black skirt with black spandex shorts under so no one can sneak a peak.

"Why have you been blushing around me lately?" She asked. Naruto froze and instantly tried to find something else to talk about until they heard yelling.

"He's MY son and he's going to live in MY house!" A familiar voice yelled. Naruto sighed and jumped off of Satsuki's lap but he secretly thanked kami for the distraction. He helped Satsuki up and they started walking towards the house they called home.

"If he's YOUR son. Why did YOU abandon him?!" Mikoto yelled back at her childhood friend. They were arguing about why and how Mikoto adopted Naruto and then took full custody of him. Naruto and Satsuki walked up to the two.

"Hi kaasan." They said in unison. Kushina beamed thinking Naruto was talking to her.

"Hi Naruto!" She squealed and went to give him a hug before he expertly dodged her.

"Hello Kushina-san." He said in an emotionless tone. Satsuki and Mikoto were taken aback a bit. Naruto was usually happy and filled with emotion, now, he seemed to be void of all emotions. He turned to Mikoto and smiled. "Where's Tousan? He said he was going to give me and Satsuki-chan a scroll."

Mikoto smiled at her son. She didn't even consider him her adoptive son anymore, neither did Fugaku. She was about to reply when Satsuki spoke.

"It's Satsuki-chan and I. Jeez, you think you'd get it after all these years." Mikoto sweatdropped from hearing her daughter correct her son. Naruto turned red from embarrassment at the correction.

"I think your Tousan is in the kitchen having tea. You should hurry up inside." Mikoto said as she tried to hurry the kids into the house.

"He is not your Tousan! Your Tousan is at home with your family!" Kushina yelled at Naruto. Naruto spoke without turning around, releasing KI that made everyone freeze.

"You are not my family. Minato Namikaze is not my family. Family is supposed to stick together. You left me. Now," he snarled. "Stay away from me!" He walked into the house and into his room.

"Ugh. Naruto-kun!" Satsuki yelled as she ran to go comfort Naruto. Mikoto shook her head.

"I'm disappointed in you Kushina." She said as she closed the door to Kushina's screaming.

Next Day

"Next up, Menma Namikaze." Iruka called out. It was graduation day and you could feel the excitement in the air. The day they become Genin of the village. Naruto in particular was excited. If he passes, his uncle was going to give him something special. He just couldn't wait.

"Next up, Naruko Namikaze." Iruka called. Menma walked out of the testing room with a leaf headband on and a smug smile gracing his lips.

"Beat that niisan." He said confidently as he was surround by fangirls. Even if it was his first day here, word spread fast about the "heroes of the village" returning and the two siblings got fanboys and fangirls alike. It disgusted Naruto.

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