Dreams and Themes

373 13 0

Rydel's pov

Ok, ok. I know I shouldn't have snapped at Ratliff, but I thought that he would never ask me to be his girlfriend, so why would he care about Derek and my friendship? Ok, so maybe I thought of using Derek to get Ratliff's attention. So what? I know it's not good, so I won't do it.

I'll date Derek because I love him.

Do I love him?

Yeah, I do.

No, I don't.

Ugh! Why am I so confused?!

Ratliff's pov

She kissed him.

I shook.

I woke up. I saw Rocky infront of me.

"Dude, are you alright?"He asked me. "You're really pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He shrugged and went to get food.

Few! It was just a dream! Or did I faint and was carried all the way to the bed? I haven't changed. No, I think I just fell asleep.

I got up and washed. After breakfast I went to Starbucks with Ross while Raini and Laura went shopping.

Laura's pov

Ok, so it's Raini's birthday next week, so we're going shopping! I'm going to get a 'ink' blue set of everything: dress, nail varnish, etc.

Ross's pov

We ordered our coffees.

I sat across Ratliff.

"Sup, bro?"


He was interrupted by a familiar giggle. I looked to my left.

There she sat.

Snorting at his joke.

He smiled at her.

She was Rydel.

To be continued...


Hey guys, sorry for updating so late! I've had so many exams! It's so much work!!!

Anyway, thanks for all the votes! I hope you guys like the story so far. You guys must be glad that it was only a dream. But do dreams come true?

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