Chapter 12: Tiger vs Kitten

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***well i'll just say u guys know what to do :D comment vote fan whatever:Du guys reading it means the world to me already:)***

I say I was full was an understatement.

Leaning back and patting my stomach, like older men do I smiled.

"If my stomach explodes and gets in your face it's not my fault," I announced leaned my head against Carol's shoulder.

They laughed and agreed with me.

"Ugh! Bathroom!" Luke said, as all the guys and girls left except for Carol and me.

"Carol, you want to show me around," I asked looking at the many rooms. A whole bunch of students were seated laughing and gossiping. Just like school.

"Sure!" Carol said excitedly grabbing my hand and dragging me to the nearest door. She literally had to drag me because my stomach might implode any time. Yes, implode.

"Welcome to the game room," Carol said as I looked around.

There were a couple kids in there either playing on the Xbox's and some playing on Wii's. The room was a bit tiny with large brown couches and a couple bean bags. Overall, this was a pretty comfy room.

The room was a dark brown color and the large glass windows had black curtains.

I slowly made my way over to the window, pushing the curtain aside looking out the window at the night sky. A couple wolves were running around and doing there thing.

In a second I felt that feeling that brings goosebumps to your body. Like a presence of a cold hearted dead person. I think you can guess who it is.

I turned around and standing a couple feet in front of me arms crossed and hips stuck out was 'her majesty of death' herself.

"Do you know what you did?" Megan asked me with distaste.

Why do you hate me God? What have I done to you?

I thought that I'll try the silent treatment method.

I crossed my arms too and narrowed my eyes glaring daggers at her. How many times do we have to do this?

One day! Just one day! And all this happens!

She growled but it was about as scary as a kitten.

I was the tiger. She was the kitten. Who wins? Some might say the tiger, but for once I was thinking that the kitten would because the tiger didn't want to hurt it further. The kitten was after all connected to a puppy. Ethan being the puppy.

Sometimes it was funny on how much self confidence one person, being me, could have.

She came closer slowly. What was she trying to do?

Her height was a couple inches shorter than me and I looked down into her eyes.

"M...Megan please leave Eva alone.....she didn't do an...." Carol tried but one of Megan's friends pushed her aside.

"Oh? She didn't do anything? She didn't hurt my mate? She didn't get me drugged?" Megan screamed causing all the people in the game room to look our direction.

"Nope! It was Santa Clause!" I rolled my eyes. I seriously had to stop blaming Santa for everything.

Megan's pupils grew a bit making her eyes darker as she pushed me back by my shoulders my back breaking the window and glass splattering everywhere.

My eyes widened and gasps could be heard. She dare lay a hand on me?

I pushed her back harder and she tumbled back landing on her butt and squeaked like a mouse. Wow!

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