Only human

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Stiles. Stiles. Stiles. "Stiles!" Someone was trying to talk to him.

He opened his eyes to see. His dad was crying and holding him. Scott was there too," hey Dad, what happened?" Stiles asked.

"They don't know, they said you were covered in blood when Scott carried you in, they said that you were throwing up blood. I don't know, they said they never saw anything like this. Oh," his dad squeezed tighter.

"Dad, you're crushing me," Stiles looked to Scott," dad, you're crushing me!" Sounding way more excited, he happily squeezed his dad back. He sat up and pulled the IV cord out that was doing nothing to help him. He hugged Scott, "lets go home!" He said cheerfully.

"Stiles, your clothes..." Scott reminded him. Stiles looked down to see his hospital gown.

"Oh, yeah, where are my clothes?" Stiles asked.

"I brought you new ones, seeing how your old ones were covered in blood..." his dad said, Stiles went into the bathroom and changed quickly. He hugged his dad again and started to walk out the door. Scott caught up to him.

"Are you still-"

"No, I don't think so, I am 100 percent sure I'm human... Only human..." Stiles smiled," it was so stressful adjusting to drinking blood, never let me get bit again..." Stiles whined.

Scott lead the sheriff and Stiles after that because they wanted to be sentimental and Scott didn't want to be rude. Scott grabbed his cycle and got on," ill see you later," Stiles nodded.

"See you at school," Stiles sat in his dad's cruiser and they were off. Stiles, mind drifted away from him and he found himself being shaken awake by his dad, asking if he wanted curly fries. He obviously said yes, but fell asleep before he could eat them, he woke up again when they got home, he went straight to his room and passed out.

In the night he felt a chill, like someone opened the window," turn... off the fan, Scott," Stiles muttered. A wave of warmth washed over him, he snuggled in with it," I am vampire," Stiles pretended to his in his dream," I rule you all," his dazed voice was given a chuckle.

"Dare laugh at me, bi-te, bi-te," Stiles also put the arm that was around him in his mouth and pretended to bit, not hard, but dramatically. He went back to soft snores and curling up, letting the rumble of who was holding him rock him to sleep.

His alarm blared, he hit it, but it didn't smash. He smirked again, he got up and got ready for the day, changed and brushed his teeth. He noticed some bruising on his arms and one right between the bite mark Deucalion made, it was faint, but still there, healed and almost gone. He felt it, but it didn't hurt, which was odd for a bruise right? He got into his jeep, it sprung to life with his touch.

Driving to school, grabbing his bag, he walked in. Scott and Lydia were waiting for him at his locker," where were you?" Lydia asked.

"Sick, why?"

"You've been sick a lot lately, what happened to you bad boy act?" Lydia also asked.

"Umm. What bad boy act?" Stiles asked.

"Fine, don't tell me, I have a way of finding these things out," she eyed him and left.

"Okay," Stiles looked over to Scott. He opened his locker and grabbed his stuff, Scott followed along with him," I feel lighter, does that make any sense," Stiles asked.

"The doctors said you lost 30 pounds and need to be watched carefully..." Scott said quietly.

"Not that kind of light, though I do feel that too," Stiles said," I don't feel the urge to kill," Stiles sat down. Mr. Newman was the sub, he smiled at the class.

"Joining us from the hospital is Stiles, I'm sure you all know him and I hope you will feel better, joining us as well are three lovely ladies, I'll let you introduce yourselves."

"I am Julia," she grinned, mischievous obviously.

"And I am Angel," she winked, lustfulness shrouded her.

"I am Grace," she dipped her head almost like a bow, something was wrong though, it was like she wanted everyone to know that she could do whatever she wanted. She was free...

Stiles felt uneasy as they sat down...

The end... sequel time!!! Because I can do whatever I want!

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