Put your hands on the one's that you swore you loved

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Chapter 6

Ella's P.O.V:

I sat down at an empty table and waited for Simon to get his lunch and come sit down. I took out my Algebra books and finished the homework posted on the class messaging group.

I jumped when two hands covered my eyes and slammed my pen down on the table. The hands were warm and I relaxed ever so slightly.

"Guess who?" a familiar voice asked in a silly tone. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around the hands. I pulled my arms back down. The poor idiot lost his balance and fell forward.

"Ow!" he whined and I laughed.

"You should know better by now, Simon." I grinned at him as he rubbed his arms. He pouted at me and my grin widened in victory. Simon grabbed his lunch and came to sit down with me. I smirked at him and took a slice of his cheesy pizza. He groaned in my direction. I told him to get out his books and took a big bite of the pizza. He opened his book and pointed to a sum he was having difficulty with. I looked at it and smiled. It was easy, in my opinion, anyway.

"Okay. It's actually very easy. Move that x over here..." I started explaining.

By the time lunch was over he finally managed to grasp the concept and was able to solve the last few question by himself.

"Perfect!" I clapped my hands together like a four year old and Simon stuck out his tongue at me. I slapped his shoulder and he mouthed 'Why' at me, I smiled lovingly at him and he grinned.

"I heard from Kelly you skipped class today. What happened?" he asked, all the playfulness suddenly gone from his eyes. I knew I couldn't lie to him so I pulled up my shoulders and told him what happened to Mony. He listened carefully and asked a few questions in between.

When I was done I gave a broken sigh and Simon smiled at me before pulled me into a tight hug. He squeezed and my arm got trapped between us. The bandage pressed into my bruised injury and I stiffened in pain. Simon froze and pulled back an angry expression on his face. I knew he wasn't angry at me but I winced nonetheless. Simon took my arm with the bandage and bruise on it. He lifted my sleeve and saw the covered area. He frowned as realization crossed his mind and I looked away from him.

Simon gently put his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him. I looked away in shame, but he kept his gaze cool and steady. I finally cave and gave a weak excuse.

"He was drunk..." I muttered to him. I could feel him nod and for some reason he didn't reply, he didn't push. He just hugged me again and pulled down my sleeve. I pulled back when the bell rang and smiled weakly at him. I packed away my books and stood up. Simon offered me his bottle of water and I accepted it. He usually brought me a bottle. I joined the traffic of the students moving out of the lunch room and felt them all pushing against me. I took a few deep breaths to calm down my anxiety and moved along with the crowd.

When I finally reach a side hallway I slip into it to catch my breath and get my anxiety back under control before getting to class. I turned to join the crowd again but bumped into a solid stone statue. I fell backwards and held my head in pain. Two strong hands kept me from hitting the floor. I open my eyes and immediately paled. Kane grabbed my arm right where the bruise from last night was to keep me upright. I yelled out in pain and jerked away from his grip. His eyes widened and he let go off me immediately. Kane looked at me in shock and grabbed my arm in a (surprisingly) more gentle way. He didn't touch the bruises this time, but I was too stunned to do anything.

He lifted my sleeve and his eyes widened further when he saw the bandage. I grimaced, but he didn't say anything. My swollen arm throbbed and I blushed in embarrassment and utter shame. I pulled my arm back in dismay. Tears of humiliation welled up in my eyes. I pushed past him to walk away and a few tears slipped down my cheek. The last thing I wanted was for him to know more about me. I wipe it away angrily.

I will not cry.

"Stop, Ella." he ordered me, hesitation clear in his voice.

"Just... just shut up." I told him my voice breaking with emotion I could not show. I hoisted my book bag higher and took of running down the hallway to my next class not once glancing back at him.

The last glimpse I have of him is him standing in the empty hallway, a shocked expression on his face. I guess he wasn't use to being told to shut up.

I am very glad I said it then.

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