Chapter 14 - Unveiling the Truth

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Michael's POV

"Why the fuck is he here? How is this possible?" I asked my father along with Justin, Mr and Mrs Moore, Taylor and my mother while I paced around the room.

"That's what on your mind?" My mother asked.

"You want me to be happy that he's here?" I asked her angrily.

"So you don't care that Mickey literally broke Luke's heart? Did you see his face, Michael?" She shouted.

"Dad? What do you think?" I looked to my father, ignoring my mother's remarks.

"I don't want that pest around us." He said leaning back on the sofa in the hotel suite.

"I agree, he has no right to being in this town." Mr Moore said, everyone besides mother agreeing with him.

"What's wrong with all of you?" Mother blasted out. "You're risking a bond with your sons just because you had an omega for a mate?" She pointed at me. "And you disowned a son just because he's lower than you?" She said towards Mr and Mrs Moore. "A brother that treated you so good, you disowned him!" She said to Justin." And you and I, as the Alpha and Luna at that time we treated that poor child like shit, why? No one ever gave a reason, we all just went along with it. The whole pack treated that boy like crap. And we allowed it, we encouraged it. I truly am ashamed of my set." She said shaking her head. "Mickey deserves to know the truth, Michael. Either you tell him or I will."

"I agree with mother." Taylor said.

"I also agree." Justin said.

I sighed. "Fine, whatever. Go get him then."

Justin came back with a sad looking Mickey.

"Mickey sit down." I told him. He walked up to Mrs Moore and sat on her lap. "Remember what I told you about your mum?" I asked and he nodded. "Well, it's not true."

"What do you mean, daddy?" He asked.

"Your mum, he cared about you a lot."

"Why did he leave me?" He asked.

"I don't kno..."

"Your father kicked him out, and your brothers along with him." My father said surprising me.

"Daddy? You did mummy that?" He asked.

"I-uh Yes, I didn't want him or your brothers." I said frustrated.

"I went to see my mummy." He said sadly.

"You can't!" I shouted at him.

"I want to see my mummy!" He said louder.

"Mickey, I'm not going to say it again." I said. He looked at me then left living area of the suite, pictures from the wall falling as he left.

"Son, come on. We have things to figure out. Taylor stay with Mickey." Father said. We all left the hotel with the exception of Taylor and Mickey.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the council." He said as we crossed the street then walking into the building the dinner was hosted in.

"How may I help you?" A petite lady asked.

"We're here to speak to the council." I said.

"Regarding?" She asked.

"Luke Moore." I said his disgusting name.

"And you are?" She said her tone changing.

"Michael Marshall, alpha of...."

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