Twenty-One: Post Hardcore

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Comment of the Chapter:

about that comment, it would be more like I take Ur anus, to have and to hold... I like how this one was a response to the other comment of the chapter. And I can't get
enough of Uranus jokes. Thanks to StuckInMyOwnWorld for the comment.

Chapter 21: Post Hardcore

I groaned as I stomped down the stairs. Someone had rung the doorbell at seven in the morning and Kurt refused to get it. My dad couldn’t get it because he was already at work.

Once I reached the front door, I looked through the peep hole to make sure it was someone who didn’t go to my school. Much to my surprise, Holly was standing with a bright smile on her face. How the hell is she so happy in the morning?

I opened the door somewhat begrudgingly and was hit by the morning’s coldness. “Why?” I groaned as a greeting to Holly.

“Good morning, sunshine!” Holly, unfazed by my rude hello, chirped cheerfully.

“Holly, not to be rude or anything, why are you here at seven in the morning?” I asked, opening the door fully so that she could come in.

“I wanted to do something with you before school starts next week,” she responded.

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” I had basically wasted my break by being sick and staying in bed all day. I just fully recovered yesterday. “What did you have in mind?”

“Trent told me that you like theater-y stuff, right?” Holly looked like she was going to explode with excitement as she said the next part.

I paused a moment wondering who the heck this ‘Trent’ person is and how I knew him. Oh wait . . . That’s Uranus. “ . . . Yeah?” I answered uncertainly, not sure where this was going and slightly shocked that Uranus would remember anything I told him.

“I got us three tickets to see a show produced by this theater group. Apparently they’re supposed to be really good. Like really good,” Holly enthused as she waved the tickets in front of my face. “And the best part is that it’s two towns over and you don’t have to wear you fat suit since probably no one there will know you,” she continued, the smile growing on her face.

It touched me that Holly would go through all of this trouble to spend some time with me, but I couldn’t really hear anything after she said ‘theater group’ and ‘two towns over’.

“Holly, what town is this in?” I asked, but already knowing the answer.

“Uhh . . . I think it’s in Elmswood or something like that. It shouldn’t be too far away—it’s like an hour and a half drive there, but I think this will be worth it.”

I bit my lip at the mention of Elmswood, but the look on Holly’s excited face made me feel bad about declining the offer. “Holly, I can’t come,” I muttered, feeling guilty.

“What?” Holly’s grin turned into a frown. “Why not?” she inquired, pouting.

“I-I-I-uh- I needed to do something today,” I answered vaguely. I could slap myself right now. I’m usually great when it came to improvising excuses, but my conscience was interrupting today.

“Well, can it wait for one day?”

I looked at Holly in misery. She was putting me in a predicament. I cringed at the thought of going to Elmswood, but I didn’t want to upset Holly either.

“I guess,” I murmured, knowing that I would regret this.

“Ha! Trent owes me five dollars!” Holly shouted in victory. “I knew you would say yes.”

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