second year ➤follow the spiders

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HIS CHOSEN GIRLchapter fifty four-follow the spiders[Your P

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chapter fifty four-follow the spiders
[Your P.O.V]
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Reluctantly, I follow Harry and Ron out of Hagrid's hut. I hold tightly onto Fang's collar, the poor dog visibly saddened by the departure of his beloved owner and pat him comfortingly.

"Don't you worry, Fang," I tell the canine companion. "We'll get him back to you."

Fang brushes his head against my hip, before burying his head under my sweater and giving my stomach a slobbery kiss to which I pretend not to be bothered by, for his sake.

I watch the cluster of spiders scuttle down the wall of Hagrid's hut and squint to see which direction they head in. I shake my head in disbelief when I note them scurrying off towards the Forbidden Forest. Of course they reside there. That's perfect. Just perfect.

I have to advert my eyes from the trail of spiders for I fear that if I look at them any longer I'll lose all my will to figure out this whole situation and run cowardly back to the castle. I really can't help it, I wouldn't necessarily use the word afraid, but spiders give me the heebie jeebies in ways I simply can't explain.

"Are you alright there, (y/n)?" Harry asks, turning around to face me as I fall behind the boys.

I roll my eyes at the idiocy of his question. "We're playing follow the leader with some spiders, which by the way I despise, to figure out if our friend was responsible for opening the Chamber of Secrets so that we can use that information to save our other friend who I just petrified, no I'm not alright there," I snap.

It's quiet for a second as we walk in a bit of an awkward silence, by quick outburst shutting Harry right up.

"I thought you didn't fear anything," Ron speaks up earning him a fearful look from Harry.

I narrow my eyes at the red head boy. "I don't fear them, Ron. I hate them. Ugh, gosh even the thought of them makes me cringe."

"That sounds like fear to me," Ron taunts.

"Are you dense? Disliking something and fearing something are two compl different things. Example, I dislike Snape, doesn't mean I fear him or anything," I retort.

Ron shakes his head in response. "Can't relate with you there, I dislike him and fear him."

The honesty in his statement makes me laugh slightly which makes the entire situation a little less tense. For once, you could say I'm thankful for Ron Weasley and his constant need for commenting.

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