third year ➤reunited

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*written in january 2017 so may not be as cringey*

Hey guys once again I own no characters, plot or dialogue except for the ones I make up:) thanks and enjoy my chapter of His Chosen Girl
Your P.O.V

I try to busy myself by looking around the Leaky Caldron. Ron and Hermione are arguing about their pets again so I'm trying my darnedest to tune it out. I occasionally cut into their debates trying to get them to knock it off but naturally they ignore me. As they ignore me a fifth time, I continue looking around when I see a certain raven haired boy with the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen staring from the staircase.

"Harry!" I say excited to see my best friend.

This gets Ron and Hermione's attention. "Harry!" They both say.

Shortly after we all sit around one of the tables and just catch up.

"Egypt? What's it like?" Harry asks intrigued as Ron shows him pictures.

"Brilliant! Loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs, even Scabbers enjoyed himself," Ron replies.

"You know the Egyptians used to worship cats," Hermione says causing me to bang my head onto the table.

"Yeah, along with the dung beetles," Ron retorts.

"Please shut up," I say making Harry laugh.

Fred and George come around out of nowhere, why am I not surprised, and roll their eyes at Ron. "You're not still flashing that clipping again are you, Ron?"

"I haven't shown anyone," Ron says.

"No not a soul... unless of course you count Tom..."

"The day maid."

"The night maid."

"The cook."

"That bloke that came to fix the toilet..."

"And that wizard from Belgium," Fred and George say alternating speech.

I laugh and turn to Harry to talk to him when Mrs. Weasley calls his name. Drat.

"Harry!" She says cheerily.

"Mrs. Weasley!"

"Good to see you, dear."

"Good to see you too."

"Now have you got everything you need?" She asks.

"Yes," he replies.

"Yes? All of your books?"

"Yeah it's all upstairs."

"And all of your clothes?"

"Everything's there."

"Good boy."

"Thank you."

Ron's father then says hello before pulling him aside. I look at them suspiciously but before I can try to figure out what's going on Mrs. Weasley turns to me.

HIS CHOSEN GIRL [MAJOR EDITING/REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now