third year ➤the truth

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*written in january 2017 so may not be as cringey*

Hey guys once again I own no characters, plot or dialogue except for the ones I make up:) thanks and enjoy my chapter of His Chosen Girl
Your P.O.V

My head is shaking right now. I've never felt more emotions then I do right now. Fear, anger, sadness, confusion, just to name a few. I look around me to see half of my classmate's judgemental faces shooting daggers at me with just their eyes while the other half looks at me with fear. I keep replaying everything that's happened but I can't come up with a logical answer as to what it means.

"Miss (l/n)," Lupin asks snapping me out of trance.

"I heard you," I reply quietly.

I look towards the door to see Draco standing there awkwardly. I still have no idea as to why Lupin told Draco to take me to Dumbledore's office and I frankly don't want to go but it'd be better then staying here, wouldn't it? I turn back to Lupin who jerks his head towards the door signalling me to go. I sigh and walk towards the door trying to ignore the stares and whispers as I follow Draco out of the room. We walk in silence on the way to the headmaster's office before I decide to break the silence.

"Why are we going to Dumbledore?" I ask.

"I don't know," he replies all to quickly.

"Don't lie to me, Draco."

"It's about your mother... my aunt."

I stop dead in my tracks. "Your what?"

"My aunt," he says nodding his head. "I've been watching you... not for my own personal amusement of course, my father ensured that I did. I made sure you stayed alive and reported back to your mother."

I back into the wall and slide down so that I'm sitting on the ground. "This is too much," I say putting my head in my hands. "This isn't happening. This can't be happening. And great job of making sure I stayed alive, I've nearly died twice in the past two years."

"I tried, ok?" Draco goes silent for a few seconds before clearing his throat making me look up. "I get that this must really suck for you, but we should really get to Dumbledore. I can only explain so much."

He offers me his hand to which I take it and we continue our way down the deserted corridors. After about five minutes of high tension and awkward silence, we finally get to the headmaster's office. I knock three times before pushing the door open and looking around the large room. Dumbledore sits at his desk watching us as we walk towards him and sit in the two chairs across him.

"Ah, Miss (l/n). I've been waiting for you..." he says in his calming voice. "Now you see-" he says standing up, basically ensuring a long and informative story. "-back in the dark times of our world, there was this one wizard, one of the most powerful of our kind, named Tom Marvolo Riddle... or, as he goes by now, Voldemort. Voldemort was just starting to gain followers and was slowly but surely becoming more dangerous. One day he got a new follower. She was crazy no doubt, but she proclaimed her excitement and eagerness to join the Death Eaters. She quickly became one of his most loyal followers and maybe even one of his friends. After time she became just as bad as him and soon everyone feared the name Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix was in love with him, he just couldn't see it. Bellatrix tried to put her feelings aside and married someone else although in her heart she would always belong to Voldemort. One day they... got together and Bellatrix found out she was pregnant. Both of them got very scared very quickly and thought about what they would do with the baby. They had eventually decided that when they both pass, it will be up to the child to carry on their legacy. Then, on the night that Voldemort killed James and Lily Potter and disappeared, Bellatrix went wild. She was heartbroken and every time she looked at the baby she saw her true love. She took the child to Knockturn Alley in a cardboard box and left it there. Three years later, she was in Azkaban and she realized what a mistake she had made and how she and Voldemort had promised that the child would carry on their legacy of being the darkest wizard of all time. And so, Bellatrix called in a favour from her sister, Narcissa Malfoy and told her to find her child. After a month of searching, they found her. Living happily with Olivander who claimed he had found her three years ago in Knockturn Alley and had taken her in. They took the young girl from him despite his protests and had to curse him to get him to give her up. From there they sent her to two Death Eaters who were living in England. The two Death Eaters did not want a three year old child and they treated her awfully. The only reason they kept her around was because Bellatrix had instructed them too. She ran away at the age of ten and her two "parents" Mr and Mrs. (l/n) decided not to look for her. One year later she was accepted into Hogwarts where her mother sent her letters claiming that it was her who raised her even though she hadn't seen her since she was one. Her mother continued to talk to her when something strange happened in second year. She became Heir of Slytherin. Why? That's what she wanted to know. Her father was Heir of Slytherin until she was born thus making her Heir of Slytherin. He put her under a curse to do all his work until she could block out the curse. He then tried to kill her but, well a certain Mr. Potter helped with that situation. Flash forward to the beginning of this year where a third year Defence Against the Dark Arts class was experimenting with boggarts. This young girl saw her boggart for the first time, and it was her mother."

I shake my head through the sobs as I try to take everything in. I don't even know what to think. I can't think my head is spinning. "You're telling me that I'm the daughter of the two darkest wizards of all time?" I ask through my tears. "I was supposed to 'carry their legacy' by being the world's darkest wizard? And, I was raised and abused by complete strangers?"

Dumbledore looks at me with pure sympathy. Draco has tears in his eyes too. I then look at Draco in a different way. He's the first of my real family that I've ever seen. Not that I suddenly forgive Malfoy for all the hell he's thrown at us and just push those thoughts away and want to become close. Not at all. But I do know now that he's my cousin and I don't know how I feel about that. Heck, I don't know how I feel about any of this.

I turn back to Dumbledore. "What now? Is everyone gonna start calling me Miss Riddle? You're gonna get hundreds of complaints to get me thrown out of this school. Whose gonna want the darkest wizard of all time's daughter running around the halls?" I yell before turning away and running out of the office.

"Miss (l/n), er.. Miss-"

I ignore the shouts of my name being called and run down the stairs and down the corridors. I keep running not looking where I'm going until I turn a corner and, my vision blurry from my tears, bump into someone.

"(y/n) oh my gosh," says the all too familiar voice as the raven haired boy lifts me up concern all over his face.

"Harry, I-I-I-" I begin but he cuts me off by pulling me into his chest and stroking my hair letting me cry into him.

"You're gonna get through this," he says when my crying had slowed down.

I pull away from him and look into his eyes. "You can't say that. You don't even know what I've just heard."

"Talk to me about it," he says sincerely grabbing onto my hands.

I open my mouth to speak, in need of someone to talk to when I close my mouth at one of the worst realizations I could think off... My father killed his parents. My father tried to kill him... Multiple times.

He's never gonna forgive me.

HIS CHOSEN GIRL [MAJOR EDITING/REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now