Chapter 12- Dancing in the rain

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Ed's POV 

As I'm sitting with taylor all curled up and her head on my lap I'm just sitting there thinking. I feel horrible. The love of my life almost committed suicide because of me. And it's not like I didn't know that there was 75% chance that that would happen.

"Taylor I'm sorry."

"For what sweetie?"

"For everything." 

"Hey we talked about this it's done. I wasn't any of our faults ok?"

"Ok." I say then kiss her passionately.

It's starts to get sort of heated.

"Hey Ed we should probably stop now haha."

"You are probably right." She smiles and kisses me again.

Taylor's pov 

After our little kissing session we decide to go to bed since it's now 9pm and we are both tired from a long crazy day. We cuddle up in my bed since Ed decided to stay with me to make sure i was ok. After getting 7 hours of sleep I wake up and can't get back to sleep so I decide to write some more songs for the still un-named new album. I decide to call it stay, stay, stay and I write it about ed and I's fight, but i add stuff to make it fun. Before I know it, it's 7 am so I decide to make some pancakes for ed. Soon I hear footsteps coming down the stairs as I finish up the pancakes. Soon his arms are around my waist.


"I thought I smelled perfection."

"Awe thanks."

"I meant the pancakes."

"Hey!" I playfully hit his arm."

"I'm just being truthful."

I laugh and serve our breakfast then we eat. Ed decides to home and freshen up. After a bit of talking he decides to bring over some clothes and necessities to leave her for when he stays which makes me happy. After about two hours I finished up the song I started while Ed was away and started a new one. As I'm cleaning up he walks in the door with two suit cases and his guitar.

"Wow you even brought a guitar. This must be legit haha."

"Yup I am." A huge grin spreads like wildfire across both our faces. I take him up to the guest room so he can put his clothes in the dresser and his bathroom stuff in the guest bathroom. Then we went downstairs and watched Love Actually because it's my favorite movie. After we finish that movie Ed looks through my bin of movies to find another.

"Hey Taylor I found one!"

"Ok, which one."

"It's called Taylor Swift: Journey to fearless."

"Oh really you sure you wanna watch that one?"

"Yes, I wanna see it. In fact I refuse to watch anything else."

"OK Fine! But I hope you know it's really awakward to watch myself haha."

"I don't care. We're watching it!" I just laugh and he puts it in. He laughs at everything he should, says awe when he should, he tells me how adorable I look, and everything I secretly wanted to hear. For me watching it the funniest parts are when me and the girls are in the kitchen making cake and when me and mom are talking about when the rain came down. It was really fun for me to watch because it brought back so many memories with the band and most of all the fans and my mom. After it's over I go make me and Ed a snack and fed mere.

"So taylor tonight I am taking you on a date."


"Yup, we haven't had a real first date yet and we could both use a night off from everything don't you think?" 

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