80. Broken Home Song Preference - Michael

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Okay last part in the chapter, next topic will be pretty funny (at least I hope so) - "Hunting The Paranormal"

I honestly have like 7 things I should be writing that I'm not. I'm soooo unproductive 😬

"Nothing left to hold, locked out in the cold..."

You honestly didn't know how your day could get any worse. It started terribly, had an absolutely horrendous middle, and it was nearly time for the grand finale.

It all started half an hour later than it was supposed to. Why? Because your alarm didn't go off and nobody woke you. It wasn't the first time your alarm had failed you, but you usually were in tune enough with your routine to wake up at about the right time anyway. It wasn't hard to figure out why you didn't wake up either.

You fell asleep very very late, so very late that it was technically the morning. You apparently crossed a line with your body where sleep was more important than routine. So instead a loud beeping noise waking you, it was beams of sunlight shining over your sleeping face. It was rather disorienting at first. You bolted up, and had no idea what day it was, nor did you know the time. All your sleep-deprived brain could manage to process was that light meant late morning, and late morning meant weekend. You were very ready to go back to bed when something else dawned on you, it was not Saturday, but instead Tuesday.

It was a mad scramble through your daily routine which woke you up, but you left late (obviously) and less than put together. You ended up wearing red skinny jeans and a bright yellow shirt which clashed terribly. You didn't have time to look through your backpack, so you left a project behind that you had been slaving over for weeks.

And it was all your parents fault. They were the ones screaming until two in the morning. They were the ones who hadn't thought to make sure that you were awake before leaving to do their daily business, or sleeping soundly in their own respective beds. And now you had to run to school, missing almost all of fourth hour with an unexcused absence.

Your day proceeded through just as poorly as it had began. Not only did you get some weird looks due to your, unique ensemble, you also realized that you forgot both your house key and cell phone. It was really a new record.

You also fell asleep in class due to the pure exhaustion, and earned a detention. It was sadly, your biggest accomplishment of the day.

So after your long day at school, you had to stay longer and miss your bus to attend your hourlong detention. You were the only one in the detention room, and the teacher who was supervising was more than upset when neither of your parents answered when you called them for her to talk to. Instead you were given a note that basically said you were required to have a parent or guardian call the school to discuss your behavioral issues.

You had to sit under her sharp gaze for an hour, risking being reprimanded every time you shifted the wrong way. She'd snap and say that you were clearly on your phone and threaten you with another detention. This was of course very distressing as you not only didn't have your phone on you, but also because you were exhausted mentally and physically. Lack of proper sleep, running to school, and trying to not hear the loud comments about your physical appearance had drained all the energy from you.

You were physically shaking, visibly so, and your cruel administrator didn't seem to care. Either she didn't notice that sitting still without nodding off was taking a serious toll on you, or she didn't care.

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