Hurt 2

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Sojiro's P.O.V

'Wha-?!? How did [Y/n] and, when did she just escape?!? And what's happening to her? Is she sick or something-? Wait why am I worried about her anyway, its not like I care or anything...' I thought about [Y/n] worriedly, and started looking for her, but when I was about to, someone tugged my arm and, pulled me into a hug. I was shocked to see that it was, Takara~chan. "W-what are you d-doing T-Takara~chan?" "I-I just got s-scared from that s-spider on the g-ground p-please help me Sojiro~senpai~!" 'S-she called me senpai...' I blushed, then when I saw the spider on the ground, I immediately crushed it, with a stomp. When Takara~chan hadn't notice the spider gone, I stroked her hair, and whispered gently in her ear. "Shh... It's ok now Takara~chan the spider is gone." I whispered gently in her ear. "T-thank you Sojiro~kun~!" Then she stopped hugging and, then I saw [Y/n] in the distance, I attempted to call her name but, then. "S-Sojiro~kun c-can you help me with my math homework...?" She then hugged my arm tightly, and I started blushing.

Third Person P.O.V

When [Y/n] noticed both of them smiling t eachother, she thought. 'Well so much for apologizing...' She then ignored the both of them, then she planned something not normal...

Something that's leading her into a wrong path...

Something that has to do with...


[Y/n] Then focused on studying, for tomorrow was her last day...
Of school! (A/n: see what I did there?)

~Fffflash the Baaaaack~

"Hey [Y/n]~! Tomorrow is the last day of you're school, I know this is sudden but, can you please forgive us for not telling you sooner~?" [Y/n]'s mom said sweetly, and [Y/n] nodded in reply. 'I don't even mind anyway since I don't care anymore...' [Y/n] thought in her mind.

~Enddddddo Le Flashbackooooo~

That's when [Y/n] had an idea, instead of talking in person she could just give Sojiro~kun a letter.

~Time Skip after writing the letter, brought to you by Dandere Seiki Mizuki~(A/n: She spent her lunch time doing sorry if I haven't metioned lunch╥﹏╥)

After [Y/n] wrote the letter, she then slid it inside Sojiro~kun's locker. Sojiro~kun noticed her, then she ran away really fast(Sonic gets Jelly again 'I think. Did I say that before? I think I did lol I forgot I so forgetful xD)

Sojiro's P.O.V

I saw [Y/n] put something in my locker, kinda like a letter, she then ran away as I saw her beautiful [H/c] hair swooshing(I think lol xD) while she was running. I then, opens me locker and, openes the letter then I reads:

Dear Sojiro~kun,
If you are reading this then good. Sorry that I didn't tell you this much earlier, because my mom just told this to me too in breakfast. Tomorrow is my last day of school, I know that you wouldn't care but you will get angry at me for saying this but, I agreed to move to a new house, because there was no life for me here anyway, I hope you take good care of Takara~chan!
By the way, please meet me at the cherry blossom tree tomorrow at 4:15pm, you don't have to if you want to...


I was shocked when I read it, I tried to run after [Y/n] but, I couldn't find her anywhere. 'Damn, that Sonic-like and Ninja-like idiot is killing me.' I thought as I was walking down the hall, and outside the school. I didn't see any sign of anyone, but then I heard sniffles coming from behind the school, I quietly followed to where the sniffles was coming from, and to my surprise it was...

[Y/n] P.O.V

I was crying near the back of the school, where the cherry blossom tree was located. I heard light footsteps but, I ignored it and thought it was just my imaginary. The a soft voice said my name. "[Y-Y/n] a-are you okay?" He then gives me he's handkerchief and wiped my tears with it. He then asked. "[Y/n] is there something you wanna talk about?" I nod in relply to him.


Author~senpai sorry that dis chapter is berry short but! It's still worth it^-^
Anyways please tell me in the comments if I have grammar mistakes or spelling ok byeee~
Author~senpai out!
To be continued.....

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