22. Tenderness

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"Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

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"Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"Your feathers are a bit red."

"Join the Single Men Club!"

"Jimin, what the fu—"

"I can whip up a delicious meal for you, if you would like me to. Do you prefer pork or fish?"

Jungkook blinked, his head spinning at the multiple voices around him. His vision was blurry, so he only saw dark silhouettes around him. He rubbed his aching shoulder, rolling them and stretching his wings, flinching when his right wing stung, as if a bolt of electricity shot through it. He yelped in pain, arching his back. Everyone around him ducked when his wing spazzed out of instinct.

"Whoa there, don't move too much," Jin placed a hand on Jungkook's chest, the latter calming down and flapping his wing to rest when he recognized the voice. "Even though I healed your wing, you should let it rest for a while. I just sped up the process of healing but there's still a small fracture."

Jungkook looked around the room, realizing that he was sitting on a bed, in one of the guest bedrooms of Jin's beach vacation house. The room's wallpaper was a cream color, fading into a dark brown shade as it reached the blue-carpeted floor. The lighting was dim and because he owned the light gem, this made him feel uncomfortable.

When the tip of his left wing brushed against something, Jungkook looked up and saw a framed picture hanging on the wall. After seeing the young boy and couple, he didn't need to read anybody's mind to figure out that it was Jin and his parents.

Seeing the photo suddenly made Jungkook think of his own father, who was way back in Vrede, ruling in the war against Hel. He sighed, recalling all the years he spent with his father and mother, bless her soul. If only there was another option, then he would have stayed with his parents instead.

...But still, Jungkook knew there was a reason he was selected to keep the light gem and was sent to Earth. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have met you, Emily or the other wonders. Most importantly, Taehyung would have still remained as a memory hidden at the back of his mind.

Jungkook then wondered if telling all of you about his identity as the prince of Hemel would affect the way they look at him. It probably will, he told himself. Some of them were already doubtful towards him because of his wings and he definitely didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

But that person? Jungkook was frustrated because it was the first time he had encountered such a scenario. This person's mind was blocked, cloaked in a protective veil, preventing him from gaining access to this person's thoughts.

"Sorry about my attitude, Jungkook," Everyone turned towards Namjoon, who was scratching his cheek and was awkwardly standing at the corner of the room. Jungkook was still processing the fact that he was there. "Because of my hesitation, you and Sky were gravely injured."

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