Hatake Kakashi: Fascination: Part XV

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|| [Hatake] : Fascination : [Kakashi] || [Part XV] ||


Kakashi had to admit, even though it felt somehow ‘sacrilegious’ to even think, Raiga had been extremely well-behaved – he hadn’t said all that much, and made absolutely no attempt to escape.  It was almost as though he’d accepted that he was going to be taken back to his home village, Kirigakure no sato and that he had no option otherwise. 

They eventually came to a halt, deciding to stop for a quick break, before they’d soon come to the Wave Country; Oriko immediately fell to a seat on the ground, almost perfectly mimicked by Raiga as Kakashi crouched down – in his typical style rather than sitting.  

Oriko was tired for having run for so long, but it felt good to be on the move and to constantly be facing new challenges and new scenery every day; something about the shinobi lifestyle suited Oriko to a ‘T’ – and some part of that feeling was reinforced every day; even if some days were a little more stressful than others.  She allowed a sigh to escape her as she leaned back onto the ground with her hands behind her head observing the perfect azure sky.

“Relax more,” Raiga’s voice interrupted her peacefully drifting thoughts; she turned to her head to look at him without getting up,


“I’m being taken back to Kirigakure to be tortured, interrogated and then murdered; here you are looking like you couldn’t look any more relaxed,” The desperation was evident in his voice, although his face displayed the look of a spoiled brat, Oriko rolled her eyes,

“Don’t worry, they probably won’t bother with the interrogation part,” Kakashi answered, he too looking decidedly relaxed as he crouched down, not reassuring Raiga in the slightest.

Raiga sighed again, resisting against his bonds gently – with no obvious effort to break free, Oriko continued to observe Raiga out of the corner of her eyes at how pathetic he looked.   Oriko couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him, he wasn’t a particularly evil man – just a little…mad

Although she had no intention of letting him go, she didn’t really want him to suffer at the hands of a shinobi system which lumped everyone together; she sighed again and looked back up at the sky.  She could hear Kakashi rise to his feet and wander off, as Raiga continued to stare at her until she noticed, which didn’t take too long,


“Can you really do this in good conscience? Are you still sure you want to continue playing with the Leafs?”

“Yes.” She answered resolutely, not even daring to think it over again as she ignored Raiga’s raised eyebrow,

“Are you absolutely sure?” Oriko shot him a stern look,

“Yes, Raiga, I will not betray the Leaf!”

“Why not?” He questioned, looking genuinely interested in the answer,

“They are good people, they will help me and in return I help them, by completing missions and protecting the village,” Besides, it’s not like there’s anywhere else for me to go, she thought gloomily,

“Hmm…sometimes I wish I grew up in Konoha…it’s such a peaceful place; but that’s also its weakness, it can’t possibly prepare you for life as a shinobi to learn how to kill you must grow up around death.”

“Do you doubt my ability to kill you, Raiga?”  The tiniest hint of a smile reached his lips at her words,

“No, but I’d doubt your ability to kill Kakashi, even if your skills surpassed his,” She stopped for a moment, her face falling back to a blank expression at his words, she knew he was right, even if she didn’t want to admit it. “In Kirigakure, we used to be brought up all together as comrades, then pitted against each other in a death match – that is the way to raise truly strong shinobi,”

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