twenty-seven - instagram

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party at mine, be there or be triangular

700k likes | 200k comments

username: omg I wish I knew her!!!

saranudes: why can't you say 'be square' like every other plebeian in the world?

mialpaca: when you're friends with a history nerd^^^

connoro'sexy: bitch did you steal my sweatpants???? FIGHT ME HOE

username: she's probably going to get drunk off her ass and make a fool of herself, no surprise there

dillpickle: oops.... connoro'sexy

archeradams: it's going to be lit af

username: who says 'lit' anymore ^^

last_mann: am i invited?

dillpickle: last_mann as long as you come bearing a huge ass apology

mialpaca: what happened to holding a grudge?^^

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